ד"ר Carra Glatt
תחומי עניין
Victorian literature, African American literature, narrative theory
קורות חיים
Lecturer, Bar-Ilan University Department of English Literature and Linguistics, October 2017 – present
Research Associate, Hutchins Center for African and African-American Research, Harvard University, July 2016-Jul 2017
Instructor, Harvard Extension School, August 2015-August 2017
PhD in English, Harvard University Department of English, 2016
Dissertation Title: Narrative and its Non-Events: Counterfactual Plotting in the Victorian Novel
Committee: Elaine Scarry (chair), Leah Price, Philip Fisher
MA in English, Harvard University, Cambridge MA, 2013
BA in English, summa cum laude, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, 2009
Alon Fellowship (2017)
Howard Mumford Jones Dissertation Prize (2016)
Dissertation Completion Fellowship, Harvard University (2014)
Graduate Student Fund Fellowship, Harvard (2014)
Bok Center Certificate for Distinction in Teaching, Harvard (2013 and 2014)
Dexter Traveling Fellowship, Harvard (2013)
Sosland Family Fellowship, Harvard (2011)
“These Three, Met Again: The Repression and Return of Edwin Drood.” European Society for the Study of English Annual Conference, online September 2021
“Afropast, Afropresent: Prophecy and its Limits in the 21-st century African-American Novel of Precarity.” Multi-Ethnic Literatures of the United States (MELUS) Annual Conference, online, April 2021.
“Paths to Freedom: Anti-Narratives of Slavery in Colson Whitehead’s The Underground Railroad. Society for the Study of Narrative Annual Conference, New Orleans, March 2020.
“From ---Shire to Wessex: Mapping Literary Locations.” Society for the Study of Narrative Annual Conference, University of Pamplona, May 2019
“Freedom’s Editors: Mobilizing Poetry in the Antebellum African-American Press,” European Early American Studies Association, December 2018
“Were You My Mother? The Unsolved Mysteries of the Dickensian Family.” Projecto RIAL Symposium on Nineteenth-Century Literature: Family Plots, University of Lisbon, December 2017.
“Woman of Valor: The Stubborn Exoticism of Daniel Deronda's ‘Little Jewess.” NeMLA Annual Conference, March 2016.
“‘Fancy the Delight’: Mary Barton's Utopian Realism.” Victorian Literature and Culture Seminar, Mahindra Humanities Center, November 2015.
“‘Is Little Nell Dead?’: The Afterlife of a Victorian Legend.” NAVSA Annual Conference, July 2015.
“Proxy Narrative in The Ambassadors.” International Conference on Narrative, March 2014.
Victorian literature, African American literature, narrative theory
Narrative and its Non-Events: The Unwritten Plots that Shaped Victorian Realism. University of Virginia Press, 2022.
“These Three, Met Again: The Real Resurrection of Edwin Drood.” Dickens Quarterly 40.2 (June 2023):186-207, https://doi.org/10.1353/dqt.2023.0022
“Anti-Narratives of Slavery in Colson Whitehead’s The Underground Railroad.” Cambridge Quarterly 50.1 (2021):38-57, https://doi.org/10.1093/camqtly/bfab002
“To Perpetuate Her Name: Autobiography and Anxiety in Margaretta Matilda Odell’s Memoir of Phillis Wheatley.” Early American Literature 55.1 (2020): 145-76, https://doi.org/10.1353/eal.2020.0007.
“Of Monkeys and Men: The Genesis of a Fabricated Racial Experiment in Edward Long’s History of Jamaica,” ANQ: A Quarterly Journal of Short Articles, Notes and Reviews (2019). https://doi.org/10.1080/0895769x.2019.1652554.
“When Found Make a Note Of: Tracing the Source of a Dickensian Legend.” Nineteenth Century Studies 28 (2018):57-71, http://dx.doi.org/10.5325/ninecentstud.28.2014.0057.
“Proxy Narrative in The Ambassadors”: Reconfiguring James's Ending” Narrative 24.1 (January 2016): 28-49, https://doi.org/10.1353/nar.2016.0000
“Genre and the Counterfactual in The Old Curiosity Shop.” Dickens Quarterly 31.2 (June 2014): 113-126, https://www.jstor.org/stable/45292633.
“The Maker’s Rage: Narrative in the Poetry of Wallace Stevens.” The Wallace Stevens Journal. 37.01 (Spring 2013): 12-23, https://doi.org/10.1353/wsj.2013.0001.
תאריך עדכון אחרון : 11/09/2024