פרופ' Yael Greenberg
תחומי עניין
My main reserach areas formal semantics and the semantics-pragmatics interface.
Among other things, I have worked on the following research topics:
The semantics and pragmatics of alternative-sensitive expressions (exclusives, additives, scalars, incrementals etc.), their interaction with prosodical patterns, and the parameters along which they vary, both inter- and intra-linguistically.
The linguistic encoding of scales and the relationship between scalar particles and degree-based / gradability-related constructions
The linguistic encoding of different kinds of approximation, intensification, and vaguness.
Metalinguistic , discourse-based and speech-act related phenomena
Linguistic encoding of expectations and 'normality' (as with generics and various other modal constructions), as well as with their violations (as in 'mirative' constructions and expressions)
Hebrew linguistics
A Selection of courses taught over the past 10 years:
Introduction to Semantics
Advanced Semantics
Meaning and Use
Polarity and Scalarity
Issues in the Semantics-Pragmatics Interface
Approximation across domains
Context Sensitivity in the Semantics-Pragmatics Interface
Accented operators at the semantics-pragmatics interface
Expressions of additivity and scalarity
Scalarity and discourse
Scale sensitive constructions
Expectations, alternatives and discourse updates
Incremental expressions and the semantics-pragmatics interface
Chen, Zhuang & Yael Greenberg (2022) “A novel argument for an even-like semantics of Mandarin dou”. In J. R. Starr, J. Kim and B. Oney (eds.) Proceedings of SALT32. p. 751-771. ISSN: 2163-5951
Greenberg, Yael (2022) “On the scalar antonymy of only and even”. Natural Language Semantics. 30, p. 415-452. doi: 10.1007/s11050-022-09200-x
Orenstein, Dina & Greenberg, Yael, (2021) “Approximation derived from a scalar exclusive particle associating with covert focus: The case of Hebrew be-sax ha-kol”, Glossa: a journal of general linguistics 6(1), doi: https://doi.org/10.5334/gjgl.1036 (No page numbers)
Greenberg Yael, (2020) “An Overt Even Operator over Covert-Based Focus Alternatives: The Case of Hebrew BIXLAL”, Journal of Semantics, 37(1), p.1–42, ISSN: 01675133, 14774593 doi: https://doi.org/10.1093/jos/ffz010
Greenberg, Yael, & Lavi Wolf, (2019) “Intensified Response Particles to Assertions and Polar Questions: The Case of Hebrew legamrey”, in M. Baird & J. Pesetsky (eds.), Proceedings of NELS 49, vol. 2, p. 61–70. Amherst: GLSA. https://www.amazon.com/NELS-49-Proceedings-Forty-Ninth-Linguistic/dp/1698805934 preprint.
Greenberg, Yael, (2019) “Even and Only: Arguing for parallels in scalarity and in constructing focus alternatives”, in M. Baird & J. Pesetsky (eds.), Proceedings of NELS 49, Cornell University, vol. 2, p. 45-60. Amherst: GLSA. https://www.amazon.com/NELS-49-Proceedings-Forty-Ninth-Linguistic/dp/1698806000
Daniels, Micky & Greenberg, Yael (2019) “Even, comparatives and extreme adjectives”, in C. Pinon, (ed.) Empirical Issues in Syntax and Semantics 12, p. 61-89. http://www.cssp.cnrs.fr/eiss12/index_en.html
Greenberg, Yael, (2018) “A revised, gradability-based semantics for even” . Natural Language Semantics 26, p. 51–83, ISSN: 0925854X doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11050-017-9140-0
Greenberg, Yael, & Lavi Wolf, (2018) “Gradable assertion speech acts”, in S. Hucklebridge & M. Nelson, (eds). Proceedings of NELS48, 1, p. 271-280. https://www.worldcat.org/title/nels-48-proceedings-of-the-forty-eighth-annual-meeting-of-the-north-east-linguistic-society-october-27-29-2017-university-of-iceland/oclc/1079005796
Greenberg, Yael, (2018) “Operating over (internal) ‘covert-based’ alternatives with scalar focus sensitive particles: Evidence from Modern Hebrew”, in R. Truswell, C. Cummins, C. Heycock, B. Rabern, and H. Rohde (eds.) Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 21 p. 499-516, ISSN: 2629-6055 https://semanticsarchive.net/Archive/DRjNjViN/index.html
Moria Ronen, Greenberg, Yael & Sassoon, Galit W. (2018) “A lexical marker of degrees of answerhood”, in in R. Truswell, C. Cummins, C. Heycock, B. Rabern, and H. Rohde (eds.) Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 21, p. 1035-1050 ISSN: 2629-6055 https://semanticsarchive.net/Archive/DRjNjViN/index.html
Greenberg, Yael, (2017), “But, Scalar Implicatures and Covert Quotation Operators”, in A. Cremers, T. & F. Roelofsen (eds.) Proceedings of the 21st Amsterdam Colloquium, p. 275-284. https://semanticsarchive.net/Archive/jZiM2FhZ/AC2017-Proceedings.pdf
Greenberg, Yael, (2016) “A Novel Problem for the Likelihood-Semantics of Even” Semantics and Pragmatics 9, p. 1-28 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.3765/sp.9.2
Greenberg, Yael, (2015), “Even, Comparative Likelihood and Gradability”, in T. Brochhagen, F. Roelofsen & N. Theiler (eds.) Proceedings of the 20th Amsterdam Colloquium, p. 147-157. https://semanticsarchive.net/Archive/mVkOTk2N/AC2015-proceedings.pdf
Greenberg, Yael & Orestein, Dina (2013), “Exclusives in Hebrew: A Core Meaning and Varying Parameters”, in N. Melnik (ed.) Proceedings of IATL 29, MITWPL 73. https://www.iatl.org.il/?page_id=701
Dina Orenstein & Yael Greenberg, (2013) "A Flexible Exclusive Particle: The Case of the Hebrew be-sax ha-kol ("all in all"), in E. Chemla, V. Homer, G. Winterstein (eds.) Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 17 p. 363-380 ISSN: 2629-6055,
Greenberg, Yael, (2013) "Genericity in Modern Hebrew", in Khan, G. (ed.), Brill's Encyclopedia of Hebrew Language and Linguistics. https://referenceworks.brillonline.com/browse/encyclopedia-of-hebrew-language-and-linguistics
Greenberg, Yael, (2012) “Genericity and (Non)accidentalness” in Recherches Linguistiques de Vincennes, 4, p. 163-190, ISSN: 09866124 doi: https://doi.org/10.4000/rlv.2119 preprint.
Greenberg, Yael, (2012) "Event-based Additivity in English and in Modern Hebrew", in Verbal Plurality and Distributivity, B. Laca and P. Cabrado Hofherr (eds.), p. 127-158. Linguistische Arneiten, de Gruyter. Doi: https://doi.org/10.1515/9783110293500
Greenberg, Yael & Ronen, Moria (2012), "Three Approximators which are almost / more or less / be-gadol the Same", in E. Cohen (ed.) Proceedings of IATL 28. MITWPL 68. https://www.iatl.org.il/?page_id=698
Greenberg, Yael & Khrizman, Keren (2012), “Bixlal: A General Strengthening Operator in Hebrew”, in E. Cohen (ed.) Proceedings of IATL 27, MITWPL 65. https://www.iatl.org.il/?page_id=190
Orenstein, Dina & Greenberg, Yael (2011) "The Semantics and Focus Sensitivity of the Hebrew (unstressed) Stam", in Y. Falk (ed.) Proceedings of IATL 26. https://www.iatl.org.il/?page_id=46
Greenberg, Yael, (2010) “Additivity in the Domain of Eventualities (or: Oliver Twist's more)”, in M. Prinzhorn, V. Schmitt and S. Zobel (eds.): Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 14, Vienna, p. 151 – 167. ISSN: 262960455 https://www.univie.ac.at/sub14/
Greenberg, Yael, (2010) “Event Internal Pluractionality in Modern Hebrew: A Semantic Analysis of One Verbal Reduplication Pattern”, Brill's Journal of Afroasiatic Languages and Linguistics, 2(1), p. 119-164. Preprint
Greenberg, Yael, (2009) Presupposition Accommodation and Informativity Considerations with Apectual Still," Journal of Semantics, 26(1) p. 49–86, ISSN: 01675133, 14774593 doi: https://doi.org/10.1093/jos/ffn009
Greenberg, Yael, (2009) “Predication and Identity in Hebrew non-pseudocleft copular sentences”, in S. Armon-Lotem, G. Danon and S. Rothstein (eds.) Current Issues in Generative Hebrew Linguistics, p. 161-196 John Benjamins. https://benjamins.com/catalog/la.134
Greenberg, Yael, (2007), “Exceptions to Generics: Where Vagueness, Context Dependence and Modality Interact”, Journal of Semantics, 24(2) p. 131–167, ISSN: 01675133, 14774593, doi: https://doi.org/10.1093/jos/ffm002
Greenberg, Yael, (2006) Structuring Aspectual and Temporal Relations with Two Hebrew Adverbials and the Semantics / Pragmatics of still" Proceedings of The 9th Symposium on Logic and Language, p. 62-69, Hungarian Academy of Sciences. http://www.nytud.hu/lola9/proceedings.html
Greenberg, Yael, (2006) "Tolerating Exceptions With ‘Descriptive’ and ‘In Virtue of’ Generics: Two Types of Modality and Reduced Vagueness",in K. Von Heusinger & K. Turner (eds.) Where Semantics Meets Pragmatics: The Michigan Papers, p. 197-224 Elsevier. https://brill.com/view/title/23309
Greenberg, Yael, (2003) Manifestations of Genericity, “Outstanding Dissertations in Linguistics” series. Routledge, New York. https://www.routledge.com/Manifestations-of-Genericity/Greenberg/p/book/9780415861373
Greenberg, Yael, (2002) “Two Kinds of Quantificational Modalized Genericity, and the Interpretation of Bare Plural and Indefinite Singular NPs”, in B. Jackson (ed.) Proceedings of SALT XII, p. 104-123 CLC publications, Cornell university. ISSN: 21635961 https://journals.linguisticsociety.org/proceedings/index.php/SALT/issue/view/97
Greenberg, Yael, (2002) “The Manifestation of Genericity in the Tense Aspect System of Hebrew Nominal Sentences”, in G. Ohalla, & U. Shlonsky (eds.) Themes in the Syntax of Arabic and Hebrew. p. 267-298. Kluwer Academic Publishers. https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-94-010-0351-3
Greenberg, Yael, (1998) “An Overt Syntactic Marker for Genericity in Hebrew”, in S. Rothstein (ed.) Events and Grammar, p. 125-143. Kluwer Academic Publishers. https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-94-011-3969-4
תאריך עדכון אחרון : 13/02/2024