פרופ' (אמריטוס) Jeffrey M. Perl
תחומי עניין
19th and 20th Century (especially modernist) English and French Literature, as well as the history of criticism, taste and aesthetics from antiquity to the present.
Founder/ Editor, Common Knowledge (Duke University Press)
קורות חיים
Founder/Editor, Common Knowledge (Oxford University Press journal, 1990-98; Duke University Press, 2000-present).
Professor of English Literature, Bar-Ilan University, 1999-present.
Professor of the Humanities, University of Texas, Science Campus at Dallas, 1989-99
Associate Professor of English and Comparative Literature, Columbia University, 1987-89; Assistant Professor, 1980-87.
Fulbright Senior Scholar and Visiting Professor, Bar-Ilan University and Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 1998-99.
John U. Nef Lecturer, University of Chicago, 1995.
Guggenheim Fellow, 1988-89.
Rockefeller Foundation Fellow in the Humanities, 1984-85.
Visiting Fellow, Mansfield College, Oxford University, 1983.
National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Stipend, 1983.
Associate Senior Fellow, Columbia University Society of Fellows, 1986-87.
Columbia University Council for Research in the Humanities Fellowships: 1982, 1983, 1986.
Finalist nominee, 1984, for The Tradition of Return: Christian Gauss Prize, Phi Beta Kappa; Harry Levin Prize, American Comparative Literature Association; Book Award, Northeastern Association of Graduate Schools.
Whiting Fellow, Princeton University, 1979-80.
Phi Beta Kappa, Stanford University, 1973.
Fellowship year pending, Stanford Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences.
Fellowships offered and declined: National Humanities Center, 1989; American Council of Learned Societies, 1984]
Smithsonian Institution Associates/Teaching Company “Best College Teachers in America” lectures, inaugural series, 1990 (see also: Recorded Lectures).
Ph.D., with special honors, Comparative Literature, Princeton University, 1980.
M.A., Comparative Literature, Princeton University, 1979.
B.Phil., Modern British and American Literature (1880-1960), Oxford University, 1976 (examinations passed in first-class status).
A.B., summa cum laude, Honors Program in Humanities, Stanford University, 1974.
At Bar-Ilan: Member of the governing boards, Lechter Center for Literary Studies, Kaplan Center for American Studies; member, Dean’s Committee on Interdisciplinary Undergraduate Education; chair or member, various ad hoc committees.
At Texas: Chair, University Committee on Qualifications (final-review committee for all appointments, tenure decisions, and promotions), 1992-93, Vice-Chair 1991, member 1990-94; Vice-President for Academic Affairs Search Committee, member; 1991-92; Dean of the School of Arts and Humanities Search Committee, member 1996-97; Committee for Sabbatical Awards, 1996; School Personnel Committee, 1989-97; School Graduate Studies Committee, 1996-98; School Development Committee, 1989-93; chair or member, numerous search and ad hoc committees.
At Columbia: Secretary of the Faculty of Columbia College, 1985-88; Director of M.A. Programs in English and Comparative Literature, 1987-88; Director of Summer Session, university literature departments, 1985-88; Columbia College Admissions Committee, 1987-88; graduate Admissions and Evaluation Committee, English and Comparative Literature, 1986-88.
Member, Center for Humanities Innovation, Durham University, UK, 2012-present.
Special Adviser (juror) for Fellowships, John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation, 1995-present .
Consultant to the publications department, Getty Center for Art History and the Humanities, 1997.
Consultant for fellowships, Stanford Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, United States-Israel Educational Foundation (for Fulbright Scholarships), Research Council of Canada, and Oregon Humanities Center.
Member, Princeton University Advisory Council, Department of Comparative Literature, 1994-present.
Consultant for tenure reviews and appointments, Yale University, University of Virginia, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, University of Tel Aviv, University of Haifa, Open University (Israel), and Ben-Gurion University Departments of English.
Reader for Oxford University Press, University of Chicago Press, Columbia University Press, University of Massachusetts Press, Routledge Publishers, Continuum Publishers, The Journal of the History of Ideas, The Eighteenth Century: Theory and Interpretation, Mosaic: Studies in the Novel.
Consultant to BBC Radio 4 for a program on Eliot’s Indic studies, 2013; consultant to CBS News and Newsweek for the Eliot centenary, 1988; consultant to the New York Times and San Francisco Chronicle for the Mallarmé/ Manet/Debussy/Nijinski/Matisse exhibit at the Musée D’Orsay, 1989; consultant to the New York Times for a front-page article on “public intellectuals,” 1994; consultant to Smithsonian magazine for an article on Pound, 1995.
“Scholarship and Public Affairs,” Common Knowledge Conference, Skidmore College, 2005.
“Schlegel’s Romantisch, the Classics, and Modern Theory,” Modern Language Association Convention, Washington, D.C., 2000.
“Intellectual Messiahs,” Tel Aviv Performing Arts Center, 2000.
“Mediocre Classics,” Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 1998.
“The Etiology of Dispute,” Rice University, 1996.
“Before Postmodernism,” the Autumn 1995 John U. Nef Lecture, University of Chicago (also listed under “Honors” above).
“Soteriology Between Disciplines,” Bar-Ilan University/Hebrew University of Jerusalem conference in honor of Stanley Cavell, 1995: plenary session chair.
“On Disagreement,” New School for Social Research Graduate Faculty, 1992.
“The Aims of Comparative Literature,” American Comparative Literature Association convention, Brandeis University, 1989: panel chair.
“After Modernism,” University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 1988.
“Eliot’s Difficulty,” The T. S. Eliot Centenary Lecture, Duquesne University, 1988.
P.E.N., Modern Language Association, American Comparative Literature Association, Phi Beta Kappa.
אמצעי התקשורת
תאריך עדכון אחרון : 23/05/2022