פרופ' Elinor Saiegh-Haddad
תחומי עניין
Linguistics of Literacy
Language acquisition
Literacy acquisition
Language and literacy acquisition in Arabic Diglossia
Reading in L2
Bilingual and Bidialectal reading acquisition
Developmental language and reading disorders
קורות חיים
Academic and Professional Positions
2020-present Full Professor Department of English Literature and Linguistics, Israel
2011-2020 Associate Professor, Department of English Literature and Linguistics, Israel
2015-2018 Chair, Department of English Literature and Linguistics, Israel
2010-2011 Senior Lecturer, Department of English Literature and Linguistics, Israel
2003-2010 Lecturer, Department of English Literature and Linguistics, Israel
2001-2002 Visiting Professor, OISE, University of Toronto, Canada.
1994-present Professor, Arab Academic College for Education, Haifa, Israel
- Post-doctoral Fellow
Department of Applied Psychology and Human Development
Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE)
University of Toronto, Canada
1995-2000 Ph.D. in Applied Linguistics
English Department
Bar-Ilan University, Israel
1990-1991 MA (with Distinction) in Applied Linguistics, Language Testing
Reading University
Reading, UK
1986-1989 BA (with Distinction) in Linguistics
English Department
Bar-Ilan University, Israel
Additional Studies
2002 Third European Graduate School on Literacy: Methods in Reading Research (August, 2002), NorFA (Nordic Research Academy) and Center for Reading Research, Department of General and Applied Linguistics, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark.
1998 Teaching License, Mofet Institute, Israel
Awards and Fellowships
- MAOF Young Scholar Fellowship- Experimental ($29,000)
Bar-Ilan University, Israel
Diglossia and the Acquisition of Basic Language and Literacy Skills in Arabic
2001-2002Rothschild Postdoctoral Fellowship, Yad Hanadiv (37,000$)
Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE), University of Toronto, Canada
Acquisition of Reading in English-Arabic bilingual children in Canada: Linguistic, orthographic, and cognitive factors.
2000-2001 Israel Ministry of Science Postdoctoral Fellowship (NIS 60,000)
Bar-Ilan University, Israel
Initial Literacy and Word Reading Ability in Native Arabic Monolingual Children.
2003 International Reading Association's (IRA) Reading/Literacy Research Award ($1,000)
Bar-Ilan University, Israel
Diglossia and the Acquisition of Basic Spelling Processes in Arabic
Funded Research
2018-2022 Principal Investigator, “The profile of Arabic speaking kindergarteners with specific language impairment”. Israel Science Foundation. NIS 800,000
CI: Sharon Armon-Lotem, Bar-Ilan University.
2018-2021 Principal Investigator, “Literacy Intervention with Arabic speaking kindergarteners in Israel”.
Ministry of Education Chief Scientist. NIS 997,545
CI: Prof. Rachel Schiff, Bar-Ilan University.
2018-2020 Principal Investigator, "Impact of Diglossia on SLI in Arabic".
Arabic Language Academy. NIS 67,400.
2017-2018 International Workshop: "Multilingualism, Multi-dialectalism and Language development". Arabic Language Academy. NIS 25,000
CI: Dr. Lior Laks, Bar-Ilan University.
2017-2018 International Workshop: "Multilingualism, Multi-dialectalism and Language development". Israel Science Foundation (ISF), NIS 70,000
CI: Dr. Lior Laks, Bar-Ilan University.
2015 Principal Investigator. “Specific Language Impairment (SLI) in Arabic”.
BIU Vice President for Research Award. Bar-Ilan University. NIS 16,062
Ministry of Education Chief Scientist. NIS 200,000
CI: Prof. Rachel Schiff, Bar-Ilan University.
2013-2016 Principal Investigator, “The impact of Diglossia on language development in Arabic: From childhood to adulthood”.
Israel Science Foundation (ISF). NIS 270,000
CI: Dr. Lior Laks, Bar-Ilan University.
2008-2010 Principal Investigator, “Underpinnings of normal reading development and developmental reading disability in Arabic: Cognitive, linguistic, and orthographic factors”
Arabic Language Academy. NIS 118,000
2005-2006Cooperating Investigator, “Early Literacy Intervention Program with Arab
Kindergartens in Jaffa"
Price & Brody's Initiative. NIS132,000
PI: Iris Levin, Tel-Aviv University.
2004-2008Cooperating Investigator, “Prosodic Effects on Morphological Development: A Study of the Acquisition of Arabic and Hebrew"
Israel Science Foundation (ISF). $114,000
PIs: Outi Bat-El, Tel Aviv University; Galit Adam, The Open University.
2004-2005 Principal Investigator, “A Componential Linguistic Analysis of the Impact of Early Exposure to Modern Standard Arabic on the Acquisition of Basic Literacy Skills in Children”
Rothschild Foundation (Yad Hanadiv). $10,000
Bar-Ilan University.
2003-2007Cooperating Investigator, “Syntactic, Morphological, and Pragmatic Representation and Processing in Bilingual Children with Special Language Impairment”
Israel Science Foundation (ISF). $149,000
PIs: Sharon Armon-Lotem & Jonathan Fine, Bar-Ilan University
2000-2003 Cooperating Investigator, "Measuring Student Knowledge and Skills", OECD's International Program for Student Assessment (PISA).
Israel Ministry of Education.
PIs: Zmira Mevarech & Bracha Kramarsky, Bar-Ilan University
Graduate Advising
Abeer Asli-Badarneh 2019
Ola Ghawi-Dakwar 2019
Duaa Abu Elhija Mahajna 2019
Susie Russak, Ph.D. A cross-linguistic study of reading disability in native Hebrew speaking adults learning English as a foreign language. Bar-Ilan University, 2008.
Haitham Taha, Ph.D. The contribution of phonological versus morphological intervention to
reading and spelling in Arabic: A developmental perspective. Bar-Ilan University. 2009.
Nadya Kogan., Ph.D. Phonological and morphological awareness in the two languages of Hebrew-Russian bilingual children. Bar-Ilan University. 2011.
Ayman Jayusi, Ph.D. A study of the linguistic underpinnings of reading development in Arabic-Hebrew-English trilingual children. Bar-Ilan University. 2013.
Areej Elouti, PhD. The acquisition of morphological awareness and spelling in English (FL) and Arabic (L1) by normally developing and poor readers. Bar-Ilan University. 2014.
Horriya Bader, PhD. Relationship between inter-sensory synchronization and math and reading skills in Arabic speaking elementary school children. Bar-Ilan University. 2017.
Tamar Shmerler, Ph.D. The contribution of syntactic awareness to reading among Hebrew speaking students learning English as a foreign language. Bar-Ilan University. 2017.
Abeer Kasem, PhD. Diglossia and the development of phonological awareness, morphological awareness and reading in Arabic: A developmental study of middle childhood across adolescence. Bar-Ilan University 2018.
Ola Dakwar-Ghawi, PhD. Phonological representations and novel word learning in Arabic SLI.
Bar-Ilan University 2018.
Hala Hanna-Irsheid, PhD. The effect of phonological representations in Arabic L1 on phonological representations and word learning in English (FL) by normal and reading disabled school children.
Bar-Ilan University 2018.
Suha Shibl, PhD. Diglossia and narrative text construction ability in SpA and StA in young children: Effect of linguistic distance and age/grade. Dissertation underway.
Fadi Kenan, PhD. Narrative and language development in Arabic: A developmental study. Tel-Aviv University (Co-advisor: Dorit Ravid). Dissertation underway.
Mona Saba, PhD. A study of reading fluency in EFL. Bar-Ilan University. Dissertation underway.
Naila Abu-Shakra, PhD. Development of syntactic abilities in Arabic SLI and typically developing children. Bar-Ilan University. Proposal underway (Co-advisor, Sharon Armon-Lotem).
Ibrahim Hamad, PhD. Distribution and variations in nominal and verbal morphological pattern in Palestinian Arabic. Proposal underway (Co-advisor, Lior Laks).
Lina Haj, PhD. Predictors of reading in Arabic: An intervention study. Proposal underway.
Areen Hadieh, MA. Morphological development in normal and language delayed
children: The case of Arabic noun plurals. Tel-Aviv University, 2006 (Co-advisor, Dorit Ravid).
Nava Arnon, MA. Processing Novel Phonological Units: the case of Normal and
Reading Disabled Hebrew L1 - English FL Children. Bar-Ilan University, 2006.
Areej Elouti, MA equivalency paper. Novelty and EFL Arabic native learners' phoneme awareness, spelling recognition and reading. Bar-Ilan University, 2008.
Yasmin Ghanem-Ali, MA. A corpus linguistic study of the lexicon of 5-year-old Arabic native speaking children: The phonological distance between MSA and SAV. Bar-Ilan University. 2009.
Liora Chai, MA. The acquisition of foundation literacy in Hebrew in grades 1-4. Bar-Ilan University. 2010.
Sara Simani, MA. The psycholinguistic representation of the English syllable among Hebrew native speaking children. Bar-Ilan University. 2011.
Karin Shmila, MA. A study of the grain-size of the decoding units in reading in English as a foreign language by Hebrew-native speaking children. Bar-Ilan University. 2011.
Lina Haj, MA. The effect of diglossia on phonological representations in Arabic. Tel-Aviv University. 2013 (Co-advisor, Dorit Ravid).
Suma Samara, MA. The acquisition of foundation literacy in Arabic in grades 1-4. Bar-Ilan University. 2015.
Ariella Iverson. MA. Phonological awareness in the two languages of English-Hebrew bilingual children: The role of language ability and executive functions. Bar-Ilan University. 2017.
Yasmin Khatib: MA. The role of different types of diacritics in reading Arabic words. Bar-Ilan University. 2019.
Maram Amara, MA. Arabic word repetition for nouns versus verbs in SLI and typically developing children. Bar-Ilan University. 2019 (Co-advisor, Sharon Armon-Lotem).
Rula Faour, MA. The Effect of Diglossia on the Comprehension and Production of Syntactic Structures among Typically Developing Children (TLD) and Children with Developmental Language Disorder (DLD). Bar-Ilan University. 2019 (Co-advisor, Sharon Armon-Lotem).
Hala Abdelhai, MA. Early acquisition of Palestinian Arabic noun pluralization in SLI and typically developing children. Bar-Ilan University. Thesis underway.
Amna Halabi: MA. Memory constraints on sentence repetition in SLI and typically developing children. Bar-Ilan University. Thesis underway. (Co-advisor, Sharon Armon-Lotem).
Doaa Zoabi, MA. The acquisition of Arabic verb morphology among children with SLI. Tel-Aviv University. Thesis underway (Co-advisor, Dorit Ravid).
Mary Irsheid, MA. The role pf phonological representations in phonological awareness in DLD children. Thesis underway.
Assessing Reading
Atypical Reading Development
Bilingual Reading Development
Introduction to Linguistics
Introduction to Applied Linguistics
Initial Reading Acquisition
Language Testing
Linguistics of Literacy
Metalinguistic Development
Reading: Theory and Practice
Reading Difficulties
Reading in a Second Language
Spelling Acquisition
Professional and Public Service
2017-present member, Membership Committee, Society for the Scientific Study of Reading (SSSR).
2017-present Academic consultant and member, Professional advisory committee, Office of the Chief Scientist, Ministry of Education, Israel. A New Multilingual Educational Policy in Israel, Prof. Elana Shohamy & Dr. Michal Tannenbaum, Tel Aviv University
2015-present Member, Scientific Advisory Panel, Dyslexia International NGO in consultative partnership with UNESCO.
2015-present Member, UNESCO UNITWIN CHAIR Inclusive Literacy Learning for All
The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, University of Jyväskylä. Finland.
2014-2017 Head and member, Arabic language Mizav test for the second grade. RAMA: The National Authority for Measurement and Evaluation. The Israel Ministry of Education.
2012-2017 Member, Steering committee, Adaptation of Woodcock-Johnson III battery of cognitive ability tests into Hebrew and Arabic. RAMA: The National Authority for Measurement and Evaluation. The Israel Ministry of Education.
2014-2015 Member, Program evaluation committee. Council for Higher Education (Malag). Israel.
2010-2012 Head and member, Steering committee, Arabic middle-school (7th grade) diagnostic test of reading and writing (Amit). RAMA: The National Authority for Measurement and Evaluation. The Israel Ministry of Education.
2010-2013 Head and member, Steering committee, Diagnostic Test of Basic Literacy Skills in English as Foreign Language (ABLE). RAMA: The National Authority for Measurement and Evaluation. The Israel Ministry of Education.
2009-2015 Member, Steering committee, 2011 PIRLS test. RAMA: The National Authority for Measurement and Evaluation. The Israel Ministry of Education.
2009-2017 Head and member, the 2nd grade Arabic Mizav test. RAMA: The National Authority for Measurement and Evaluation. The Israel Ministry of Education.
2008-present Vice president and member, Israel Arabic Language Academy.
2008-2015 Member, PIRLS 2011 Reading Development Group (RDG): International Expert committee. TIMMS and PIRLS International Study Center. Boston College, MA, USA.
2007-2009 Head and member, Steering committee, Diagnostic Arabic reading and writing inventory for first-graders. RAMA: The National Authority for Measurement and Evaluation. The Israel Ministry of Education.
2007-2010 Member, Professional advisory committee, Project for International Student Assessment (PISA). RAMA: The National Authority for Measurement and Evaluation, Israel Ministry of Education.
2006-2010 Member, Professional Advisory Committee on Language and Literacy for the Initiative for Applied Research in Education. The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities; Israel Ministry of Education; Yad Hanadiv.
2007-2008 Academic Director, Project to Enhance Research and Development Capacity in the Domain of Teaching Arabic as a Native Language in Israel. The Initiative for Applied Research in Education, The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities; Yad Hanadiv, and the Israel Ministry of Education.
2005-2008 Scientific Consultant, Enhancing mother tongue literacy in Arabic, MaTaH: The Centre for Educational Technology (CET), Yad Hanadiv, Israel.
2004-2007 Member, Committee for the development of a new Arabic Language Curriculum for the Elementary Grades (Kindergarten-6th grade). Israel Ministry of Education.
2004-2008 Head and member, Committee for the development of a new Arabic Preschool Education Curriculum. Israel Ministry of Education.
2004-2006 Member, Steering Committee, PISA-oriented Reading Materials in Arabic. The Israel Ministry of Education.
Educational Material Development: Academic Counseling and Supervision
A revised diagnostic battery of early reading and writing skills in Arabic. RAMA: The
National Authority for Measurement and Evaluation. The Israel Ministry of Education. Israel, 2017.
ABLE: Assessment of Basic Literacy in English: A diagnostic battery of early literacy skills in English as a foreign language. RAMA: The National Authority for Measurement and Evaluation. The Israel Ministry of Education. 2013.
A diagnostic battery of early reading and writing skills in Arabic. RAMA: The
National Authority for Measurement and Evaluation. The Israel Ministry of Education. Israel, 2009.
Arabic is our language, First-grade Arabic reading primer. Matah, Centre for Educational Technology. Israel. 2009.
Words and their meanings, The First Arabic Picture Dictionary for Children. Matah, Centre for Educational Technology. Israel. 2009.
A collection of preschool language and literacy games in Arabic. Matah, Centre for Educational Technology. Israel. 2009.
Arabic is our language, Second-grade Arabic reading primer. Matah, Centre for Educational Technology. Israel. 2010.
Arabic is our language, Third-grade Arabic reading primer. Matah, Centre for Educational Technology. Israel 2011.
Arabic is our language, Fourth-grade Arabic reading primer. Matah, Centre for Educational Technology. Israel 2012.
Arabic is our language, Fifth-grade Arabic reading primer. Matah, Centre for Educational Technology. Israel 2013.
Arabic is our language, Sixth-grade Arabic reading primer. Matah, Centre for Educational Technology. Israel. 2014.
Arabic is our language, seventh-grade Arabic language and reading textbook. Matah, Centre for Educational Technology. Israel. 2016.
Arabic is our language, eighth-grade Arabic language and reading textbook. Matah, Centre for Educational Technology. Israel. 2017.
Arabic is our language, ninth-grade Arabic language and reading textbook. Matah, Centre for Educational Technology. Israel. underway.
Applied Linguistics
Applied Psycholinguistics
Behavioral Neurology
Cognitive Linguistics
Cognitive Development
Culture & Education
Dapim (in Hebrew)
Developmental Psychology
Early Childhood Research Quarterly
International Journal of Bilingualism
International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism
Journal of Child Language
Journal of Research in Reading
Journal of Educational Research Online
Language awareness
Language Learning
Learning and Individual Differences
Learning Disabilities
Literacy & Language- SCRIPT (in Hebrew)
Megamot (in Hebrew)
Modern Language Journal
Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology
Reading Psychology
Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal
Reading Research Quarterly
Scientific Studies of Reading
Writing Systems Research
Written Language and Literacy
Foundations and Institutions
Centre for Educational Technology (CET- MaTaH)
German-Israeli Foundation for Scientific Research and Development (GIF)
Fulbright Visiting Scholar program
Haifa University
Israel Science Foundation (ISF)
Israel Council of Higher Education (Malag)
Mofet Insitute
National Authority for Testing and Evaluation (RAMA)
Rothschild Foundation (Yad Hanadiv)
RTI International
The National Institute for Psychobiology in Israel
UNESCO: Dyslexia International Sharing Expertise
Department of Behavioral Sciences and Philosophy, University of Turku, Finland
Conference Organizing
Language and literacy development in multilingual and multidialectal contexts. ISF international workshop, Bar-Ilan University. March 12-14, 2018.
Scientific and Societal Contributions of Research in Multilingual and Multicultural Communities. Bar-Ilan University, June 4-6, 2018.
שפה דוט קום: הפקולטה למדעי הרוח. אוניברסיטת בר-אילן. מאי 2017 .
השפה הערבית: רכישה, למידה והוראה . המחלקה לבלשנות וספרות אנגלית והמחלקה לערבית, אוניברסיטת בר-אילן. אפריל 2016.
Reading in EFL: The impact of L1. The Arab Academic College of Education. Haifa, May, 2012.
Between General Literacy and Disciplinary Literacy. The Language and Literacy Committee of The Initiative for Research in Education, The Israel Academy of Science. Jerusalem, June, 2011.
Arabic Language and Brain Research: Implications for Arabic Language Education. The Language and Literacy Committee of The Initiative for Research in Education, The Israel Academy of Science. Jerusalem, July 2011.
Between the spoken and the written languages in a diglossic context: Implications for literacy acquisition in Arabic. The Initiative for Applied Research in Education (Israel Science Foundation, Yad Hanadiv, Israel Ministry of Education). Van Leer Institute, Jerusalem. February, 2007.
Reading Difficulties: A cross linguistic perspective (Brain and Language workshop)
Bar-Ilan University, May, 2005.
University Service
2018-present Adviser for the University’s Head of the Office for Future Programs.
2015-present Member, Rector's advising panel on Arab student affairs, Bar-Ilan University.
2015-2018 Chair, English Linguistics and Literature Department, Bar-Ilan University.
2011-2015 Coordinator, Graduate Linguistics Program, English Department, Bar-Ilan University.
2006-2010 Rector's Academic Advisor on Arab student affairs. Bar-Ilan University.
2014-2015 Member of Teaching Committee, Bar-Ilan University.
2011-2013 Member of Student Scholarship and Prize Committee, Bar-Ilan University.
Editorial Board Member
Applied Psycholinguistics
Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal.
Scientific Studies of Reading, The official Journal of the Society for the Scientifics Study of Reading.
Reading Research Quarterly RRQ (designated reviewer)
Journal of Asia TEFL, The official journal of the Asian Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language (until 2015)
Professional Organizations Memberships
2018-present ARWA Association of Reading and Writing in Asia
2000-present International Reading Association (IRA); Reading Today.
2000-present Society for the Scientific Study of Reading (SSSR)
2002-present Literacy and Language (SCRIPT)
2008-present Arabic Linguistics Society (ALS)
2009-present International Dyslexia Association (IDA)
2024-2028 Principal Investigator, “Breaking into the structure of Arabic: A study of morpho-lexical and morpho-syntactic development in Arabic-speaking toddlers.”
Israel Science Foundation (ISF).
2025-2027 Principal Investigator, “A diglossia-centered multi-domain language and literacy intervention with Arabic speaking kindergarteners in Israel: A scaling up evaluation study”.
Ministry of Education Chief Scientist.
CI: Prof. Rachel Schiff, Bar-Ilan University.
2024-2027 Principal Investigator, “A diglossia-centered multi-domain intervention with first and second grade Arabic-speaking children at risk for reading difficulties”.
Ministry of Education Chief Scientist.
CI: Prof. Rachel Schiff, Bar-Ilan University.
2022-2024 Principal Investigator, “Literacy in Arab schools in Israel after COVID-19 Corona (A follow-up study investigating longitudinal reading outcomes in the third grade).
Ministry of Education Chief Scientist.
CI: Prof. Rachel Schiff, Bar-Ilan University.
2020-2022 International Research Workshop, “Typical and Atypical Arabic Language Development in Bilectal (diglossic) and Bilingual Contexts: Assessment and Intervention. Israel Science Foundation.
CI: Sharon Armon-Lotem, Bar-Ilan University.
2018-2022 Principal Investigator, “The linguistic profile of Arabic speaking kindergarteners with specific language impairment”. Israel Science Foundation.
CI: Sharon Armon-Lotem, Bar-Ilan University.
Ministry of Education Chief Scientist.
CI: Prof. Rachel Schiff, Bar-Ilan University.
2018-2020 Principal Investigator, "Impact of Diglossia on SLI in Arabic".
Arabic Language Academy.
2017-2018 International Research Workshop: "Multilingualism, Multi-dialectalism and Language development". Arabic Language Academy.
CI: Dr. Lior Laks, Bar-Ilan University.
2017-2018 International Research Workshop: "Multilingualism, Multi-dialectalism and Language development". Israel Science Foundation (ISF)
CI: Dr. Lior Laks, Bar-Ilan University.
2015 Principal Investigator. “Specific Language Impairment (SLI) in Arabic”.
BIU Vice President for Research Award. Bar-Ilan University.
Ministry of Education Chief Scientist.
CI: Prof. Rachel Schiff, Bar-Ilan University.
2013-2016 Principal Investigator, “The impact of Diglossia on language development in Arabic: From childhood to adulthood”.
Israel Science Foundation (ISF).
CI: Dr. Lior Laks, Bar-Ilan University.
Introduction to Linguistics
Applied Linguistics
Reading acquisition
Spelling acquisition
Linguistics of Literacy
Reading difficulties
Edited Handbooks
Saiegh-Haddad, E. & Joshi, M. (Eds.). Handbook of Arabic Literacy: Insights and Perspectives. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer. 2014.
Saiegh-Haddad, Laks, L. & McBride, C. (Eds.) (2022). Handbook of Literacy in Diglossia and in Dialectal contexts. Psycholinguistics, Neurolinguistic, and Educational Perspectives. Springer Nature Switzerland.
Journal Guest Editor
Saiegh-Haddad, E. & Armon-Lotem, S. (2024). Arabic typical and atypical acquisition: the role of linguistic structure and sociolinguistic context. Special issue of the Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research.
Saiegh-Haddad, E. & Geva, E. (2010). Acquiring reading in two languages: Linguistic and orthographic factors. Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal, Volume 23, Numbers 3-4.
Journal articles
Saiegh-Haddad, E. (2003a). Linguistic distance and initial reading Acquisition: The case of Arabic diglossia. Applied Psycholinguistics, 24, 431-451.
Saiegh-Haddad, E. (2003b). Bilingual Oral Reading Fluency and Reading Comprehension: The case of Arabic/Hebrew (L1) - English (FL) Readers. Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 16, 717-736.
Saiegh-Haddad, E. (2004). The impact of phonemic and lexical distance on the phonological analysis of words and pseudowords in a diglossic context. Applied Psycholinguistics, 25, 495-512.
Saiegh-Haddad, E. (2005). Correlates of reading fluency in Arabic: Diglossic and orthographic factors. Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 18, 559-582.
Saiegh-Haddad, E. (2007a). Linguistic constraints on children's ability to isolate phonemes in Arabic. Applied Psycholinguistics, 28, 605-625.
Saiegh-Haddad, E. (2007b). Epilinguistic and metalinguistic phonological awareness may be subject to different constraints: Evidence from Hebrew. First Language, 27, 385-405.
Saiegh-Haddad, E. (2008). On the challenges that diglossia poses to the acquisition of basic literacy skills in Arabic. Literacy and Language, 1, 105-126 (in Hebrew).
Saiegh-Haddad, E. & Geva, E. (2008). Morphological awareness, phonological awareness, and reading in English-Arabic bilingual children. Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 21, 481-504.
Levin, I., Saiegh-Haddad, E., Hende, N., & Ziv, M. (2008). Early literacy in Arabic: An intervention with Israeli Palestinian kindergarteners. Applied Psycholinguistics, 29, 413-436.
Armon-Lotem, S., Adam, G., Saiegh-Haddad, E., Blass, A., Harel, E., Litt, R., & Walters, J. (2009). Verb inflections as indicators of specific language disorder among bilinguals. Language and Brain, 8, 1-20. (in Hebrew).
Saiegh-Haddad, E., Kogan, N., & Walters, J. (2010). Universal and language-specific constraints on phonemic awareness: Evidence from Russian-Hebrew bilingual children. Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 23, 359-384.
Saiegh-Haddad, E. & Geva, E. (2010). Acquiring reading in two languages: An introduction to the special issue. Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 23, 263-267.
Saiegh-Haddad, E., Levin, I., Hende, N., & Ziv, M. (2011). The Linguistic Affiliation Constraint and phoneme recognition in diglossic Arabic. Journal of Child Language, 38, 297-315.
Russak, S. & Saiegh-Haddad, E. (2011). Phonological awareness in Hebrew (L1) and English (L2) in normal and disabled readers. Reading & Writing: An nterdisciplinary Journal. 24, 427-440.
Saiegh-Haddad, E., Hadieh, A & Ravid, D. (2012). Acquiring noun plurals in Arabic: Morphology, familiarity and pattern frequency. Language Learning, 62, 1079-1109.
Aram, D., Korat, O., Saiegh-Haddad, E., Hassunha Arafat, S., Khoury, R., Hija, J. (2013). Early literacy among Arabic speaking kindergartners: The role of socioeconomic status, home literacy environment and maternal mediation of writing. Cognitive Development, 28, 193– 208.
Saiegh-Haddad, E. (2013). A tale of one letter: Morphological processing in early Arabic spelling. Writing Systems Research, 5, 169-188.
Saiegh-Haddad, E. & Schiff, R. (2016). The impact of diglossia on voweled and unvoweled word reading in Arabic: A developmental study from childhood to adolescence. Scientific Studies of Reading, 20, 311-324.
Taha, H. & Saiegh-Haddad, E. (2016). The role of phonological versus morphological skills in the development of Arabic spelling: An intervention study. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, 45, 507-535.
Taha, H. & Saiegh-Haddad, E. (2017). Morphology and spelling in Arabic: Development and interface. Journal of Psycholinguistic research. Journal of psycholinguistic research, 46:27–38.
Schiff, R. & Saiegh-Haddad, E. (2017). When diglossia meets dyslexia: The impact of diglossia on reading among Arabic native speaking dyslexic children. Arabic. Reading & Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 30, 1089-1113.
Russak, S. & Saiegh-Haddad, E. (2017). What do phonological segmentation errors tell us about phonological representations? Second Language Research. 34, 1-14.
Saiegh-Haddad, E. & Taha, T. (2017). The role of phonological and morphological awareness in the early development of word reading and spelling in typical and disabled Arabic readers. Dyslexia, 23: 345–371.
Saiegh-Haddad, E. & Ghawi-Dakwar, O. (2017) Impact of Diglossia on Word and Non-word Repetition among Language Impaired and Typically Developing Arabic Native Speaking Children. Frontiers in Psychology, 8, 2010. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2017.02010
Hassunah-Arafat, S., Aram, D., Korat, O. & Saiegh-Haddad, E. (2017). Continuity in literacy development from kindergarten to first grade: A Longitudinal study of Arabic speaking children. Reading & Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 30, 989-1007.
Saiegh-Haddad, E.. (2018). MAWRID: A Model of Arabic Word Reading In Development. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 51, 454-462
Schiff, R. & Saiegh-Haddad, E. (2018). Development and relationships between phonological awareness, morphological awareness and word reading in spoken and standard Arabic. Frontiers in Psychology. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2018.00356
Saiegh-Haddad, E. & Haj, L. (2018). The impact of diglossia on phonological representation in Arabic speaking children. Journal of Child Language. 45, 1377–1399.
Saiegh-Haddad, E. & Elouti, A. (2018). Inflectional and Derivational Morphological Awareness in Arabic- speaking High versus Low EFL Literacy Students. Manuscript submitted for publication. Written Language & Literacy, 21, 147-168.
Saiegh-Haddad, E. (2019). What is Phonological Awareness in L2? Journal of Neurolinguistics, 50, 17-27.
Laks, L., Hamad, I, & Saiegh-Haddad, E. (2019). Verbal Patterns in Palestinian Arabic. The Mental Lexicon. 14, 209-235.
Saiegh-Haddad, E., Shahbari-Kassem, A. & Schiff, R. (2020). Phonological awareness in Arabic: The role of phonological distance, phonological-unit size and SES. Reading & Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 33, 1649–1674.
Vaknin-Nusbaum V. & Saiegh-Haddad, E. (2020). The Contribution of Morphological Awareness to Reading Comprehension in Arabic-speaking Second Graders. Reading & Writing, 33, 2413-2436.
., & Asli-Badarneh, A., Hipfner-Boucher, K., Bumgardner, X. C., AlJanaideh, R
Saiegh Haddad, E. (2022). Narrative microstructure and macrostructure skills in Arabic diglossia: The case of Arab immigrant children in Canada. International Journal of Bilingualism, 27, 349–373.
Saiegh-Haddad, E. (2023). Embracing diglossia in early literacy education in Arabic: A pilot intervention study with kindergarten children. Oxford Review of Education, 49, 48-68.
Kogan, N. & Saiegh-Haddad, E. (2023). The internal structure of the syllable in Russian and in Hebrew: Evidence from monolingual kindergarteners. Applied Psycholinguistics, 44, 101-129.
Tallas-Mahajnah, N., Armon-Lotem S., & Saiegh-Haddad, E. (2023). Emergence of verb pattern morphology in young Arabic speakers: Morphological and semantic features. Frontiers in Psychology, 14:1127640.
Kaawar, K., Armon-Lotem, S. & Saiegh-Haddad, E. (2023). Text complexity and variety factors in narrative retelling and narrative comprehension among Arabic-speaking preschool children. First Language, 43, 355–379.
Abd El-Raziq, M., Meir, N., & Saiegh-Haddad, E. (2023). Lexical skills in children with and without autism in the context of Arabic diglossia: Evidence from vocabulary and narrative tasks. Language Acquisition, 1–25. https://doi.org/10.1080/10489223.2023.2268615
Abd El-Raziq, M., Meir, N., & Saiegh-Haddad, E. (2024). Morphosyntactic skills in Arabic-speaking children with autism spectrum disorder: Evidence from error patterns in the sentence repetition task. Autism & Developmental Language Impairments, 9. https://doi.org/10.1177/23969415241234649
Tallas-Mahajnah, N., Armon-Lotem S., & Saiegh-Haddad, E. (2024). The emergence of verb patterns in Arabic in children with Developmental Language Disorder compared to children with typical development. Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research.
Abd El-Raziq, M., Meir, N., & Saiegh-Haddad, E. (2024). Non-Word Repetition in Arabic-speaking children with and without autism spectrum disorder (ASD): A Closer Look into Accuracy and Error Patterns. Phonetics and Clinical Linguistics. DOI: 10.1080/02699206.2024.2391904
Shahbari-Kassem, A., Schiff, R., & Saiegh-Haddad, E. (2024). Development of morphological awareness in Arabic: The role of morphological system and morphological distance. Reading & Writing: A Interdisciplinary Journal.
Ghawi-Dakwar O. & Saiegh-Haddad, E. (2024). Word learning in Arabic diglossia in children with TLD and DLD. Journal of Speech Language and Hearing Research.
Mahamid, B. & Saiegh-Haddad, E. (2024). The role of story mode in the narrative skills of children in Arabic diglossia: Comparing children with TLD and DLD. Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research. Under revision.
Abd El-Raziq, M., Meir, N., & Saiegh-Haddad, E. (2024). Language, Theory of Mind and Cognitive skills in autistic and non-autistic Arabic-speaking children: Evidence from Network and Cluster analyses. Journal of Communication Disorders.
Saiegh-Haddad & Schiff (2024). Diglossic and orthographic features of reading comprehension in Arabic. Reading Research Quarterly, 60, 1, https://doi.org/10.1002/rrq.598
Book chapters
Saiegh, E. (1994). Talking to machines in Arabic. In Y. Suleiman (Ed.), Arabic Sociolinguistics: Issues and perspectives. (pp. 127-153). Curzon Press Ltd., England.
Saiegh-Haddad, E. (2011). The effect of exposure to Standard Arabic and linguistic distance from Spoken Arabic on lexical processing in Standard Arabic. In Aram, D. & O. Korat, (Eds.), Literacy and Language: Interaction, Bilingualism, and Difficulties (pp. 321-336). Magnes Press (in Hebrew).
Saiegh-Haddad, E. (2011). Phonological processing in diglossic Arabic: The role of linguistic distance. In Broselow, E. & H. Ouli (Ed.), Perspectives on Arabic Linguistics XXII (pp. 269-280). John Benjamins Publishers
Saiegh-Haddad, E. (2012). Literacy reflexes of Arabic diglossia. In M. Leikin, M., Schwartz, & Tobin, Y. (Eds.), Current Issues in Bilingualism: Cognitive and Sociolinguistic Perspectives (pp. 43-55). Springer: Dordrecht.
Armon-Lotem, S., Adam, G., Blass, A., Fine, J., Harel, E., Saiegh-Haddad, E. & Walters, J. (2012). Verb inflections as indicators of Bilingual SLI: qualitative vs. quantitative measurements. In M. Leikin, M. Schwartz & Tobin, Y. (Eds.), Current Issues in Bilingualism: Cognitive and Sociolinguistic Perspectives (pp. 179-200). Springer. Dordrecht.
Korat, O., Aram, D., Hassunha Arafat, S., Hag-Yehiya Iraki, H, & Saiegh-Haddad, E. (2014). Mother-child literacy activities and early literacy in the Israeli Arab family. In Saiegh-Haddad, E. & Joshi, M. (Eds.) Handbook of Arabic Literacy: Insights and perspectives (pp. 323-347). Springer: Dordrecht.
Saiegh-Haddad, E. & Henkin-Roitfarb, R. (2014). The structure of Arabic language and orthography. In Saiegh-Haddad, E. & Joshi, M. (Eds.) Handbook of Arabic Literacy: Insights and perspectives (pp. 3-28). Springer: Dordrecht.
Saiegh-Haddad, E. & Spolsky, B. (2014). Acquiring literacy in a diglossic context: Problems and prospects. In Saiegh-Haddad, E. & Joshi, M. (Eds.), Handbook of Arabic Literacy: Insights and perspectives (pp. 225-240). Springer: Dordrecht.
Saiegh-Haddad, E. & Jayusy, A. (2016). Metalinguistic awareness in reading a second language. In R. A. Berman (ed.), Acquisition and Development of Hebrew: From Infancy to Adolescence. Trends in Language Acquisition Research (TiLAR) 19 (pp. 353-385). Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Saiegh-Haddad, E. & Everatt, J. (2017). Literacy Education in Arabic. In N.Kucirkova, C. Snow, V. Grover and C. McBride-Chang (Eds.). The Routledge International Handbook of Early Literacy Education (pp. 185-199). Taylor & Francis Routledge: USA.
Saiegh-Haddad, E. (2017). Learning to read in Arabic. In L. Verhoeven & C. Perfetti & (Eds.), Reading acquisition across languages and writing systems: An international handbook (pp. 127-154). Cambridge University Press.
Saiegh-Haddad, E. (2018). Impact of diglossia on phonological processing and reading in Arabic. In A. Chekayri (Ed.) New approaches to the teaching of reading in Arabic. (pp. 88-111). Al Akhawayn University Press, Ifrane, Morocco [In Arabic]
صايغ-حداد. أ. (2018). تأثير ازدواجية اللغة أو” الديجلوسيا ”على اكتساب مهارات المعالجة الصوتيّة والقراءة باللغة العربيّة. المقاربات الجديدة في تدريس القراءة باللغة العربية. عبدالله الشكايري (محرر). نشر جامعة الاخوين. المغربز ص. 88-111.
Saiegh-Haddad, E. & Ghawi-Dakwar, O. (2018). The impact of phonological and lexical distance on word and nonword repetition in Arabic TLD and DLD children. In Grohmann, Kleanthes K., Maria Kambanaros & Evelina Leivada (eds.), Developmental, Modal, and Pathological Variation—Linguistic and Cognitive Profiles for Speakers of Linguistically Proximal Languages and Varieties. Lausanne: Frontiers Media SA, Frontiers in Psychology and Frontiers in Communication, doi 10.3389/978-2-88945-638-3 [ISSN 1664-8714].
Schiff, R. & Saiegh-Haddad, E. (2019). Development and relationships between phonological awareness, morphological awareness and word reading in spoken and standard Arabic. In Duncan, L. G., Traficante, D., Wilson, M. A. (eds.). Word Morphology and Written Language Acquisition: Insights From Typical and Atypical Development in Different Orthographies. Lausanne: Frontiers Media. doi: 10.3389/978-2-88945-832-5.
Saiegh-Haddad, E. (2020). The impact of linguistic distance on dyslexia in dialect speakers: The case of Arabic diglossia. In J., Washington, & Compton, D. & McCardle, P. (Eds.), Dyslexia: Revisiting etiology, diagnosis, and treatment. Brooks Publishing, Baltimore MD. (Chapter 8, pp. 90-101).
Saiegh-Haddad, E., Ghawi-Dakwar, O. & Irsheid, H. (2021) Impact of diglossia on developmental language disorder and developmental reading disability. In Nasser, F. & Israelishvilly, M. (Eds.), Language Education in Israel. Mofet Press (Chapter 4). [in Hebrew]
סאיג-חדאד, א. גאוי-דקואר, ע. וחנא-ארשיד האלה (2021). כאשר דיגלוסיה פוגשת בלקויות התפתחותיות: השפעת המרחק הפונולוגי בין ערבית מדוברת לערבית תקנית על לקות שפה ועל לקות קריאה. חינוך בחברה הערבית בישראל נאסר אבו-אלהיג'א, פ. וישראלאשוילי, מ. (עורכים). מכון מופת. תל אביב (71-103).
Saiegh-Haddad, E. (2020). The impact of linguistic distance on dyslexia in dialect speakers: The case of Arabic diglossia. In J., Washington, & Compton, D. & McCardle, P. (Eds.), Dyslexia: Revisiting etiology, diagnosis, and treatment. Brooks Publishing, Baltimore MD. (Chapter 8, pp. 90-101).
Saiegh-Haddad, E., Ghawi-Dakwar, O. & Irsheid, H. (2021) Impact of diglossia on developmental language disorder and developmental reading disability. In Nasser, F. & Israelishvilly, M. (Eds.), Language Education in Israel. Mofet Press (Chapter 4). [in Hebrew]
סאיג-חדאד, א. גאוי-דקואר, ע. וחנא-ארשיד האלה (2021). כאשר דיגלוסיה פוגשת בלקויות התפתחותיות: השפעת המרחק הפונולוגי בין ערבית מדוברת לערבית תקנית על לקות שפה ועל לקות קריאה. חינוך בחברה הערבית בישראל נאסר אבו-אלהיג'א, פ. וישראלאשוילי, מ. (עורכים). מכון מופת. תל אביב (71-103).
Saiegh-Haddad, E. & McBride C. (2022). Literacy in diglossia and in dialectal contexts: An introduction to the Handbook. In E. Saiegh-Haddad, Laks, L. & McBride, C. (Eds.), Handbook of Literacy in Diglossia and Dialectal Contexts: Psycholinguistic, Neurolinguistic and Educational Perspective. Springer Nature (pp. ix-xxi).
Saiegh-Haddad, E. (2022). A psycholinguistic-developmental perspective on the role of diglossia in reading: Issues, methods, and findings in Arabic as a Testcase. In E. Saiegh-Haddad, Laks, L. & McBride, C. (Eds.), Handbook of Literacy in Diglossia and Dialectal Contexts: Psycholinguistic, Neurolinguistic and Educational Perspectives. Springer Nature (pp. 135-165).
Laks, L. & Saiegh-Haddad, E. (2022). Variety and Modality distinctions in language use in Arabic diglossia. In E. Saiegh-Haddad, Laks, L. & McBride, C. (Eds.), Handbook of Literacy in Diglossia and Dialectal Contexts: Psycholinguistic, Neurolinguistic and Educational Perspectives. Springer Nature.Springer (pp. 247-271).
Laks, L., Hamad, I., & Saiegh-Haddad, E. (2022). The distribution of Arabic verbal patterns in text production: Variety and modality distinctions. In Levie, R., Bar-On, A., Ashkenazi, O., Dattner, E., & Brandes, G. (Eds.). Developing language and literacy: Studies in honor of Dorit Diskin Ravid. Springer. Dordrecht. The Netherlands (pp. 387-419).
Saiegh-Haddad, E., Ghawi-Dakwar, O., Haj, L., Farraj-Bsharat, R., & Laks, L. (2023). Spelling Arabic: When does Orthography End and Language Start? In Ye, Y., Inoue, T., Maurer, U., & McBride, C. (Eds.). (2023). Routledge International Handbook of Visual-motor Skills, Handwriting, and Spelling: Theory, Research, and Practice (pp. 276-292). Routledge. New York.
Saiegh-Haddad, E. & Armon-Lotem, S. (2024). Diglossia and Developmental Language Disorder in Arabic. In Grohmann, K. (Ed.), Multifaceted Multilingualism (154-182). John Benjamins.
תאריך עדכון אחרון : 05/03/2025