פרופ' Lior Laks
תחומי עניין
Prof. Laks's main research field is morphology and its interface with other components of the grammar: phonology, the lexicon and the syntax. Prof. Laks examines word formation processes while relating to different types of criteria that play a role is the selection of morphological forms, productivity of word formation and the absence of possible words that conceptually could be formed.
His research also focuses on the issue of diglossia in Arabic and the grammatical differences between Modern Standard Arabic and Colloquial Arabic (Jordanian and Palestinian), as an issue with a first degree importance in the system of education and in teaching Arabic.
Laks, Lior, Evan-Gary Cohen & Stav-Azulay. To appear. Paradigm uniformity and the locus of derivation: The case of vowel epenthesis in Hebrew verbs. Lingua.
Laks, Lior. To appear. Regular Irregularities: What does the OCP do and doesn’t do to the verbal system of Modern Hebrew? Mediterranean Language Review.
Kupersmitt, Judy & Lior Laks. To appear. Strategies of compensation for “missing” categories in L1 and L2: Between verbs and nouns in narrative and expository Texts. Hebrew Studies.
Laks, Lior. To appear. Verb innovation in Hebrew and Palestinian Arabic: The interaction of morpho-phonological and thematic-semantic criteria. Brill’s Annual Afroasiatic Languages and Linguistics.
Laks, Lior. 2015. Variation and change in instrument noun formation in Hebrew and its relation to the verbal system. Word Structure 8.1, 1-28.
Laks, Lior. 2015. Morph-semantic and morpho-categorical transparency as a trigger for language change. Hebrew Higher Education 17, 75-86 [In Hebrew].
Laks, Lior. 2014. Plural word formation of loan words in Palestinian and Jordanian Arabic. Journal of Arabic Linguistics 60, 5-34.
Laks, Lior. 2015. Morphological choices and gaps: a word-based account. Hebrew Linguistics 69:45-65 [In Hebrew].
Laks, Lior. 2014. Morphological errors in second language learning: Evidence form Arabic speaking learners of Hebrew. Hebrew Higher Education 16, 99-109 [In Hebrew].
Laks, Lior. 2013. Morpho-thematic mismatches in Hebrew: What happens when morphological and thematic criteria collide? Lingua 138, 107-127.
Laks, Lior. 2013. Why and how do Hebrew verbs change their form? A morpho-thematic account. Morphology 23(3), 351-383. DOI 10.1007/s11525-013-9227-3
Laks, Lior. 2013. Passive formation in Palestinian and Standard Arabic: Lexical vs. syntactic operations. Word Structure 6, 156-180. DOI 10.3366/word.2013.0043
Laks, Lior. 2009. How to choose a prosiduc template: On verb innovation and variation in Hebrew. In E. Fuss & C. Trips (eds.). Morphological Blocking and Linguistic Variation: A Typological Perspective. Language Typology and Universals, 62, 4, 307-324. Berlin: Stuf.
תאריך עדכון אחרון : 05/01/2025