ד"ר רוז סטאמפ
תחומי עניין
- Sociolinguistics of spoken and signed languages
- Emergence of sign languages
- Language variation and change
- Corpus linguistics
- Language contact
- Sign language acquisition
קורות חיים
Academic Positions
2018-present Lecturer, Bar Ilan University, English Literature & Linguistics
2014-2019 Postdoctoral fellow, Sign Language Research Lab, University of Haifa (funded by Advanced ERC Grant to Prof. Wendy Sandler)
2009-2013 Ph.D., Cognitive, Perceptual & Brain Sciences, University College London (UCL)
Thesis: Sociolinguistic Variation, Language Change and Contact in British Sign Language (BSL) Lexicon. Supervisors: Dr. Kearsy Cormier, Dr. Bronwen Evans & Dr. Adam C. Schembri
(fully funded by Economic Social Research Council (ESRC) scholarship)
2008-2009 M.Res in Speech, Language & Cognition, University College London (UCL)
(fully funded by Economic Social Research Council (ESRC) scholarship)
2004-2008 BA (Hons) in Deaf Studies & Linguistics (1st)
University of Wolverhampton
Research Grants
2021-2022 Data Sciences Institute (DSI), BIU. The First Comparative Corpus of Emotional Displays by Deaf & Hearing people. ₪85,000.
2020-2024 Israeli Science Foundation (ISF). A corpus-based sociolinguistic study of sign languages in Israel. ₪800,000.
2020-2021 New Faculty Equipment Grant (ISF). Linguistic analysis of sign language through motion-capture. ₪100,000.
2020-2021 Data Sciences Institute (DSI), BIU. Israeli Sign Language (ISL) Corpus: The first online open-access Corpus of Israeli Sign Language. ₪40,000.
My research focuses on variation and change in sign languages, from both a sociolinguistic perspective as well as a language emergence perspective.
In Israel, I have the unique opportunity to study young sign languages - including Israeli Sign Language, Kufr Qassem Sign Language, Al Sayyid Bedouin Sign Language, Ein Mahil Sign Language, and others - and to examine how language grows in complexity in the early stages of language emergence.
In recent years, like many societies, young deaf people are more mobile and are interacting with different deaf communities within and outside of Israel. Therefore, my research also explores the influence of contact between multiple languages.
Additionally, I'm particularly interested in how variations signal group membership and in the relationship between language and broader social factors, such as sexuality and gender, and whether the features we see in signers are also shared by hearing non-signers in the gestures they use.
- Sign Language Linguistics
- Language Emergence & Evolution
- Sociolinguistics
- Language Variation
- Corpus Linguistics
- Language & Gender
- Multimodality Studies
- Jaraisy, M., & Stamp, R., (2022). The Vulnerability of Emerging Sign Languages: (E)merging Sign Languages? Languages. 7(1), 49.
- Stamp, R. & Jaraisy, M. (2021). Language contact between Israeli Sign Language and Kufr Qassem Sign Language. Sign Language Studies.
- Stamp, R., & Sandler, W. (2021). The emergence of referential shift devices in three young sign languages. Lingua, 257 (July, 2021).
- Stamp, R., Shaban-Rabah, S. & Novogrodsky, R. (2021). Argument omissions by deaf students in three languages and three modalities. First Language, 1-25.
- Lillo-Martin, D., Sandler, W., Coppola, M. & Stamp, R. (2020). Introduction. In Lillo-Martin, D., Sandler, W., Coppola, M. & Stamp, R. (Eds.) Sign Language & Linguistics: Special Issue in Memory of Irit Meir. Pg. 1-16.
- Stamp, R., Dachkovsky, S., & Sandler, W. (2020). Time will tell: Time and discourse as ‘motion through space’ in early Israeli Sign Language (ISL), In R. Pfau, A. Göksel & J. Hosemann (eds.), Our lives – our stories. Life experiences of elderly Deaf people. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton.
- Stamp R. & Schembri, A. (2019). Sociolinguistics of Sign Languages. In M. J. Ball, & J. Damico (eds.) The SAGE Encyclopedia of Human Communication Sciences and Disorders. USA: SAGE.
- Schembri, A., Stamp, R., Fenlon, J. & Cormier, K. (2018). Variation and change in English varieties of British Sign Language. In: Braber, N. and S. Jansen (eds). Sociolinguistics in England. Houndsmills, Pp. 165-188, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Dachkovsky, S., Stamp, R., & Sandler. W. (2018). Constructing complexity in a young sign language. Frontiers. 9(2202). Pp. 1-21.
- Stamp, R. (2016). Do Signers Understand Regional Varieties of a Sign Language? A Lexical Recognition Experiment. Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education. 21(1): pp. 83-93.
- Stamp, R., Schembri, A., Evans, B.G., & Cormier, K. (2016). Regional Sign Language Varieties in Contact: Investigating Patterns of Accommodation. Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education. 21(1): pp.70-82.
- Stamp, R. & Sandler W. (2016). The Grammar of the Body and the emergence of complexity in sign languages. In S.G. Roberts, C. Cuskley, L. McCrohon, L. Barceló-Coblijn, O. Feher & T. Verhoef (eds.) The Evolution of Language: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference (EVOLANG11).
- Stamp, R. & Woll, B., (2016). Sociolinguistics: Dialects/Regionalisms/Ethnic Varieties. In G. Gertz, & P. Boudreault, (Eds.) The SAGE Deaf Studies Encyclopedia. Washington D.C.: Gallaudet University. Pp. 906-911.
- Stamp, R. (2015). Sociolinguistic variation, language change and contact in the British Sign Language (BSL) lexicon. Sign Language & Linguistics. 18(1): pp. 158-166. DOI: 10.1075/sll.18.1.08sta
- Stamp, R., Schembri, A., Fenlon, J. & Rentelis, R. (2015). Sociolinguistic Variation & Change in British Sign Language Number Signs: Evidence of Leveling? Sign Language Studies. 15(2), pp.151-181.
- Stamp, R., Schembri, A., Fenlon, J., Rentelis, R. & Cormier, K. Woll, B. (2014). Lexical Variation & Change in British Sign Language. Plos One. 9(4), pp.1-14, e94053. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0094053
- Stamp, R.J. (2013) Sociolinguistic Variation, Language Change and Contact in the British Sign Language (BSL) lexicon. PhD thesis, UCL (University College London).
תאריך עדכון אחרון : 11/09/2024