Graduate Reading
30/12/2015 - 21:00 - 19:00Add To Calendar
2015-12-30 19:00:00
2015-12-30 21:00:00
Graduate Reading
The Shaindy Rudoff Graduate Program is proud of its graduates!
Come hear our recent graduates read from their poetry, fiction, and creative non-fiiction at Sipur Pashut Bookstore in Neve Tzedek, Tel Aviv on Wednesday, December 30.
Doors open at 19:00, the reading begins at 19:30.
Anthony MorenaAllison GuriShoshana Sarah (asked her which last name she wants)Edward EvansNicole HazanEliana Ramage
אוניברסיטת בר-אילן
The Shaindy Rudoff Graduate Program is proud of its graduates!
Come hear our recent graduates read from their poetry, fiction, and creative non-fiiction at Sipur Pashut Bookstore in Neve Tzedek, Tel Aviv on Wednesday, December 30.
Doors open at 19:00, the reading begins at 19:30.
Anthony Morena
Allison Guri
Shoshana Sarah (asked her which last name she wants)
Edward Evans
Nicole Hazan
Eliana Ramage
Allison Guri
Shoshana Sarah (asked her which last name she wants)
Edward Evans
Nicole Hazan
Eliana Ramage
תאריך עדכון אחרון : 15/12/2015