Professor Emeritus Joel Walters

Bldg. 404 room 102
Reception Hours
By appt usually Tuesdays
    Fields of Interest

    bilingualism, pragmatics, language impairments (SLI, aphasia, schizophrenia), sociolinguistics


     Joel Walters                                                                             972-53-869505 (mobile)        Yakinton 10                                                                              972-3-531-8238 (office)          P.O.B. 1233                                                                             972-3-534-7601 (fax)              Ma’alot-Tarshiha, ISRAEL                                                       email:

    Academic and Professional Positions                                                                             Professor                                                                                 2008-present                           Dean, Faculty of Humanities                                                   2010-2014                         Associate Professor                                                                1991-2008                               Chair, Department of English                                                  1987-1991, 2004-2007                   Director, English as a Foreign Language                                1983-1987                               Senior Lecturer                                                                        1981-1991                       Department of English                                                                                                               Bar-Ilan University

      Academic Head                                                                          2003-2010, 2015-present       Western Galilee College                                                                                                               Acco

     Visiting Scholar                                                                           1991-1992                      Laboratory of Applied Cognitive Science                                                                                  McGill University

     Fulbright-Hays Lecturer                                                              1980-1981                    Department of Linguistics                                                                                                                 Tel Aviv University

      Assistant Professor                                                                    1977-1980                     Educational Psychology                                                                                                     University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana

      Director                                                                                      1978-1979                           Bilingual-Multicultural Education Doctoral Fellowship Program                                         University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana

    Education                                                                                                                                  Applied Psycholinguistics, Boston University                                   Ed.D., 1978            Department of Linguistics, pre-MA studies,Tel Aviv University        1973-1974  Sociology/Spanish, Dartmouth College                                            A.B., 1971

    Awards and Fellowships                                                                                                        DAAD Fellowship, Freie-Universitat Berlin                                      Summer 1997          Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching, Univ. Illinois                      1978-1979                          Title VII Bilingual Education Fellowship                                            1975-1977                           Phi Beta Kappa, Summa Cum Laude                                              1971

    Funded Research                                                                                                                 Bilingual SLI and socioeconomic influences                                   2014-2018                         Israel Science Foundation, NIS 180,000                                                                                   (with S. Armon-Lotem & C. Altman)

      Bilingual Specific Language Impairment                                         2010-2014                         Israel Science Foundation, $100,000                                                                                         (with S. Armon-Lotem)

      Language Impairment in a Multilingual Society: Linguistic              2009-2113                   Patterns and the Road to Assessment                                                                                     COST Action IS0804, EU17Million, Bar-Ilan share EU1.6M                                                       (with S. Armon-Lotem and 20 European research groups)

      Language Acquisition as a Window to Social Integration among    2007-2009                       Russian Language Minority Children in Germany and Israel                                                     BMBF German Ministry of Education, EU168,000                                                                     (with S. Armon-Lotem, N. Gagarina & L. Remmenick)

    Voices of Child Survivors: Children’s Holocaust Testimonies:           2007-2009                   Historical, Linguistic and Educational Perspectives                                                               Claims Conference, $100,000                                                                                                   (with B. Cohen, R. Horvath)

    ISF-HUJI Workshop on Bilingual SLI                                                 February 2009                   Hebrew University/ISF, $40,000                                                                                                         (with S. Armon-Lotem)

    Specific Language Impairment in Bilingual Children                          2003-2007                                 Israel Science Foundation, $100,000                                                                                         (with S. Armon-Lotem, J. Fine, E. Saigh-Haddad)

    Linguistic indicators of schizophrenia in Russian-Hebrew                 2005-2006                 Bilinguals (Gonda Brain Sciences Research Center, $13,000)                                                 (with J. Fine, Y. Bersudsky)

    Children’s Holocaust Testimonies: Historical, Linguistic                    2004-2006                             and Educational Perspectives                                                                                                           Claims Conference, $95,000                                                                                                             (with M. Gillis, B. Cohen)

    Language, Mathematics, and Science Literacy among Israeli           2000-2002                           PISA+ Alternative Assessment                                                                                             Ministry of Education, NIS1,337,000                                                                                                 (with B. Kramarsky, Y. Wolf, S. Havlin)

    Convergence and Divergence in Second Language Acquisition        1998-2000                               & Use: An Examination of Immigrant Identities                                                                       German-Israel Research Foundation, DM370,000                                                                     (with B. Spolsky, N. Dittmar)

    Unity and Diversity via Multilingualism: Language Planning                1997-2001                               for Eritrean Education                                                                                                   Netherlands-Israel Research Programme, $149,000                                                                 (with S. Kroon, C. Hailemariam)

    Revisions Processes in Non-Native Writers                                          1996-1997                           Orot Israel College Research Board, NIS13,000

    Negotiation in the Resolution of Hostage Taking Incidents                   1993-1994                             Bar-Ilan University Research Authority, NIS25,000                                                                       (with Y. Wolf)

    Studies in Narrative Comprehension                                                      1983-1984                   Israel Ministry of Education and Culture, IS746,178

    Recall, Inference and Prediction in Reading                                           1982-1983                       Israel Ministry of Absorption, IS45,000

    Title VII Doctoral Fellowship Grant Program                                           1979-1980                           U.S. Office of Education, $183,000

    Requesting Behavior of Language Minority Children                               1978-1979               University of Illinois Research Board, $6,444

    Graduate Advising and Mentoring                                                                                          Patricia McCollum, Ph.D. University of Illinois, 1980 (Conversation analysis)

    Teresa Rosegrant, Ph.D. University of Illinois, 1980 (Social dominance in preschool boys)

    Carmen Coballes-Vega, Ph.D. University of Illinois, 1981 (Bilingual education models)

    Elisheva Augarten Barkon, Ph.D. Bar-Ilan University, 1991 (L2 reading comprehension)

    David Hanauer, Ph.D. Bar-Ilan University, 1994 (Experiments on poetry categorization)

    Bonnie Ellinger, Ph.D. Bar-Ilan University, 1997 (Identity & L2 acquisition among Russian immigrants)

    Ora Danino, Ph.D. The Hebrew University, 1999 (Sociolinguistics of writing in the Israeli workplace)

    Maria Cernis, Ph.D. Bar-Ilan University, 2001 (Experiments in L2 reading comprehension)

    Miriam Shlesinger, Ph.D. Bar-Ilan University, 2001 (Strategic allocation of working memory and other attentional resources in simultaneous interpreting)

    Shimon Baumel, Ph.D. Bar-Ilan University, 2002 (Multilingualism among ultra-orthodox Jews)

    Chefena Hailemariam, Ph.D. Tilburg University, 2002 (Eritrean education language policy)

    Sharon Azaria, Ph.D. The Hebrew University, 2003 (Early literacy among Ethiopian children)

    Inbal Regev, Ph.D. Bar-Ilan University, 2004 (Codeswitching in academic service encounters)

    Julia Burteisen-Festman, Ph.D. Bar-Ilan University, 2004 (Lexical production phenomena as evidence for activation and control processes in trilingual lexical retrieval)

    Brenda Malkiel, Ph.D. Bar-Ilan University, 2005 (Simultaneous interpretation)

    Judy Kupersmitt, Ph.D. Bar-Ilan University, 2006 (Cross-linguistic study of form-function relations  in narrative and expository discourse)

    Carmit Altman, Ph.D. Bar-Ilan University, 2007 (Language and memory bilingual aging)

    Zhanna Burstein-Feldman, Ph.D. Bar-Ilan, 2008 (Identity in Russian immigrant adolescents and parents)

    Susie Russak, Ph.D. Bar-Ilan University, 2008 (Reading disorders in non-native speakers of English)

    Dafna Yitzhaki, Ph.D. Bar-Ilan, 2008 (Multilingualism in Israeli language policy)

    Batsheva Keren, Ph.D. Bar-Ilan, 2009 (Social and linguistic variation of Hebrew imperatives)

    Rina Raichlin, Ph.D. Bar-Ilan, 2009 (Bilingual codeswitching in Russian-Hebrew preschool children)

    Haitham Taha, Ph.D. Bar-Ilan, 2010 (Phonological vs. morphological intervention in Arabic literacy)

    Amal Kadry, Ph.D. Bar-Ilan, 2011 (Early lexical acquisition in two dialects of Arabic)

    Leor Cohen, Ph.D. Bar-Ilan, 2011 (Metapragmatic functions of identity structure in nsarrative)

    Shira Farby, Ph.D. Bar-Ilan, 2012 (Processing parasitic gaps and resumptive pronouns in Hebrew)

    Yisrael Smith, Ph.D. Bar-Ilan, in progress (Bilingual lexical processing: Behavioral and ERP evidence)

    Miri Yochanna, Ph.D. Bar-Ilan, in progress (Narrative production in English-Hebrew bilingual children)

    Aviva Soesman, Ph.D. Bar-Ilan, in progress (Codeswitching as an entry to language impairment in bilingual preschoolers)


    Susan Holzman, M.A. Bar-Ilan University, 1986 (L2 reading comprehension experiments)

    Sara Morgenstern, M.A. Bar-Ilan University, 1986 (Lexical judgment experiments)

    Hagit Heimer, M.A. Bar-Ilan University, 1996 (Cognitive linguistics)

    Zhanna Feldman, M.A. Bar-Ilan University, 1997 (Identity in advanced learners of Hebrew)

    Zohara Meshali, M.A. Bar-Ilan University, 2001 (Ethiopian immigrant identity narratives)

    Alice Apelbaum, M.A. Bar-Ilan University, 2002 (Early literacy in native Hebrew speakers)

    Sharon Calif-Moshowitz, M.A. Bar-Ilan University, 2002 (Morphological awareness in reading)

    Amal Kadry, M.A., Bar-Ilan University, 2003 (Adoloscent literacy in Arabic native speakers)

    Olga Gupol, M.A., Bar-Ilan University, 2004 (Russian discourse markers)

    Nadya Kogan, M.A., Bar-Ilan University 2004 (Early literacy in Russian-Hebrew bilinguals)

    Rina Raichlin, M.A., Bar-Ilan University 2004 (Codeswitching in Russian-Hebrew preschoolers)

    Esther Darvashvili, M.A., Bar-Ilan, 2006 (Autobiographical memory in Russian-Hebrew bilinguals)

    Irena Tabachnik, M.A., Bar-Ilan, 2006 (Autobiographical memory in Russian-Hebrew bilinguals)

    Dori Braude, M.A., Tel Aviv U, 2008 (Bilingualism and Specific Language Impairment)


    Israel Ministry of Science Post-doctoral Fellowship to Dr. Elinor Saiegh-Haddad, 2000-2001

    Israel Ministry of Science Graduate Fellowship to Alice Apelbaum, 2000-2001

    VATAT Post-doctoral Fellowship to Dr. Galina Gordishevsky, 2007-2008

    Israel Ministry of Science Graduate Fellowship to Haitham Taha, 2008-2009


    Professional and Public Service

    Academic Council – Western Galilee College, Acco                                     1999-present

    Academic Council – Shaanan College, Kiryat Shmuel                                  1999-present

    Academic Council – Orot Israel College, Elkana                                           1998-2000

    Chair, Israeli Ministry of Education Committee for English                          1998-1999

    Member, Israeli Ministry of Education Committee for English                     1998-2000

    Member, Advisory Council, Yeshivat Hesder, Acco                                     2005-present

    Member, ‘Eliashiv’ Ethiopian Immigrant Association Board                         2006-present


    Reviewer (Journals/Foundations)

    Applied Psycholinguistics                                                                                                           Bilingualism: Language and Cognition                                                                                 International Journal of Bilingualism                                                                                       Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism                                                                                 Language Learning                                                                                                     MacMillan/Palgrave

     ISF (Israel Science Foundation)                                                                                          Canadian Language and Literacy Research Network                                                                NSF (US National Science Foundation)





    Courses taught

    Applied Linguistics                                        Language Variation

    Bilingualism                                                   Linguistics and Law

    Bilingualism and Pragmatics                         Pragmatics and Cognition

    Bilingual Codeswitching                                Pragmatics and Second Language Acquisition

    Child Language                                             Psycholinguistics of Reading

    Discourse Analysis                                        English Composition             

    Experimental Psycholinguistics                     Psycholinguistics of Written Communication

    Introduction to Linguistics                              Research Design and Methodology

    Introduction to Psycholinguistics                   Second Language Acquisition                       

    Language and Aging                                      Sociolinguistics

    Language and Identity                                    Writing in a Second Language                    



    Walters, J. 2005. Bilingualism: The Sociopragmatic-Psycholinguistic Interface. London: Routledge/Taylor & Francis.

    Cooper, R.L., Shohamy, E. & Walters, J. (eds.) 2001. New Perspectives and Issues in Educational Language Policy. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 

    Journal issue (editor)

    Walters, J. 1981. Special issue on Deference and Politeness in Second Language Use International Journal of the Sociology of Language, 27.

    Journal articles

    1.     Walters, J. & Zatorre, R. 1978. Laterality differences for word identification in bilinguals. Brain and Language, 6, 158-167.

     2.    Walters, J. 1979. Strategies for requesting in Spanish and English: Structural similarities and pragmatic differences. Language Learning, 29, 277-293.

     3.    Walters, J. 1980. Grammar, meaning, and sociocultural appropriateness in second language acquisition. Canadian Journal of Psychology, 34, 337-345.

     4.    Walters, J. 1981. Introduction (Special issue on Sociolinguistics of Deference and Politeness) International Journal of the Sociology of Language, 27, 7-9.

     5.    Walters, J. 1981. Variation in the requesting behavior of bilingual children. International Journal of the Sociology of Language, 27, 77-92.

     6.    Walters, J. 1981. Two case studies of language impaired bilingual children. Bilingual Resources, 5, 3, 1-21.

     7.    Walters, J. 1982. The Anglos are coming, the Anglos are coming: English language instruction in Israeli schools. Jewish Education, 50, 1, 16-21.

     8.    Zisenwine, D. & Walters, J. 1982. Jewish identity: Israel and the American adolescent. Forum, 45, 79-85.

     9.    Spolsky, B. & Walters, J. 1985. Jewish styles of worship: A conversational analysis. International Journal of the Sociology of Language, 56, 51-65.

    10.   Walters, J. & Wolf, Y. 1986. Language proficiency, text content and order effects in narrative recall. Language Learning, 36, 47-64.

    11.   Walters, J. 1988. Review of P. Carrell, J. Devine & R. Eskey (eds.) Integrative Approaches to Second Language Reading. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. TESOL Quarterly, 22, 4, 662-663.

    12.   Wolf, Y., Walters, J. & Holzman, S. 1989. Integration of semantic and structural constraints in narrative comprehension. Discourse Processes, 12, 149-167.

    13.   Walters, J. 1990. Philosophical views of applied linguistics. Issues in Applied Linguistics, 2, 160-161.

    14.   Walters, J. & Wolf, Y. 1992. Metalinguistic integration under conditions of uncertainty: second language, metaphor and idiom comprehension. Quantitative Linguistics, 49, 1-101.

    15.   Wolf, Y., Battash, Y., Addad, M. & Walters, J. 1992. Valuation of moral information by juvenile delinquents: a psycho-sociological perspective. International Journal of Group Tensions, 22, 39-62.

    16.   Wolf, Y., Olenick-Shemesh, D., Addad, M., Green, D. & Walters, J. 1995. Personal and situational factors in drug use as perceived by kibbutz youth. Adolescence, 30, 909-930.

    17.   Wolf, Y., Friedlander, M., Addad, M., Silfen, P. & Walters, J. 1995. Moral judgment among incarcerated offenders from psychotherapeutic backgrounds. Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 39, 242-257.

    18.   Wolf, Y., Walters, J. & Landau, E. 1995. Negotiation in the resolution of hostage taking. Acta Criminologica, 8, 23-26.

    19.   Wolf, Y., Ron, N. & Walters, J. 1996. Modularity in moral judgment by policemen. Policing and Society, 6, 37-52.

    20.   Wolf, Y. & Walters, J. 1996. Communication with hostage takers: blame schema as a framework for persuasion. Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management, 4, 39-44.

    21.   Walters, J. & Wolf, Y. 1996. Language awareness in non-native writers': Judgments of need for revision: the role of syntax, lexicon and cohesion. Language Awareness, 5, 1-23.

    22.   Hailemariam, C., Kroon, S. & Walters, J. 1999. Multilingualism and Nation Building: Language and Education in Eritrea. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 20, 6, 475-493.

    23.   Wolf, Y. & Walters, J. 2001. Definite articles in the context of literary and scientific writings. Journal of Pragmatics, 33, 7, 965-967.

    24.   Oded, B. & Walters, J. 2001. Deeper processing for better EFL reading comprehension. System, 29, 3, 357-370.

    25.   Hailemariam, C., Kroon, S. & Walters, J. 2003. Language diversity, policy, and practice in Eritrea. Journal of Eritrean Studies, 2, 77-89.

    26.   Bersudsky, Y., Fine, J., Gorjaltsan, I., Chen, O. & Walters, J. 2005. Schizophrenia and second language acquisition. Progress in Neuro-psychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry, 29, 535-542.

    27.   Armon-Lotem, S., Adam, G., Blass, A., Harel, E., LItt, R., Saiegh-Haddad & Walters, J. 2008. Verb inflections as an indicator of specific language impairment in bilinguals: Influences of task and crosslinguistic differences. Safa v’Moax 8 (Language and Brain 8) (Hebrew).

    28.   Armon-Lotem, Sh., Gagarina, N., Altman, C., Burstein-Feldman, Zh., Gordishevsky, G., Gupol, O. & J. Walters. 2008.  Language acquisition as a window to social integration among Russian language minority children in Israel. Israel Studies in Language and Society, 1, 1, 155-177.


    ערמון-לוטם, ש. וולטרס, י. 2010. השפעתם של משתני רקע פנימיים וחיצוניים על היכולות הלשוניות בשפת האם ובשפה השניה אצל ילדי גן דו לשוניים ששפתם הראשונה רוסית. הד האולפן החדש, 97, 52-63.

    30.   Saiegh-Haddad, E., Kogan, N., & Walters, J. 2010. Linguistics factors in phonological awareness of Russian-Hebrew sequential bilingual children. Reading and Writing, 23, 359-384.

    31.   Armon-Lotem, S., N. Gagarina & J. Walters. 2011. The impact of internal and external factors on linguistic performance in the home language and in L2 among Russian-Hebrew and Russian-German preschool children, Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism, 1, 3, 291-318.

    32.   Iluz-Cohen, P. & Walters, J. 2012. Telling stories in two Languages: Narratives of bilingual preschool children with typical and impaired language. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 15, 58-74.

    33.   Altman, C., Burstein-Feldman, Zh., Yitzhaki, D., Armon Lotem, Sh. & Walters, J. 2014. Family language policies, reported language use and proficiency in Russian – Hebrew bilingual children in Israel. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 35(3), 216-234.

    34.   Meir, M., Walters, J. & Armon-Lotem, S. forthcoming. Disentangling SLI and bilingualism using sentence repetition tasks: the impact of L1 and L2 properties. International Journal of Bilingualism.

    35. Altman, C., Gil, M. & Walters, J. forthcoming. Disentangling bilingualism and aphasia in bilingual people with conduction and anomic aphasia. Bulletin Aphasie et Domaines Associes.

    36. Smirnova, D., Walters, J., Fine, J., Muchnik-Rozanov, Y., Paz, M., Lerner, V., Belmaker, R.H. & Y. Bersudsky. 2015. Second language as a compensatory resource for maintaining verbal fluency in bilingual immigrants with schizophrenia. Neuropsychologia. doi:10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2015.06.037

    Book chapters and proceedings

    37.   Walters, J. 1979. The role of contextual factors in first and second language acquisition. In D.R. Omark & J.G. Erickson (eds.) Communication Assessment of the Bilingual Bicultural Child: Issues and Guidelines. Baltimore, MD: University Park Press, pp. 221-247.

    38.   Walters, J. 1979. The perception of politeness in English and Spanish. In J Schachter, K. Perkins & C. Yorio (eds.) On TESOL '79: The Learner in Focus. Washington, D.C., pp. 288-296.

    39.   Walters, J. 1979. Language variation in the assessment of communicative competence. In R. Silverstein (ed.) Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Frontiers in Language Proficiency and Dominance Testing. Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois University, pp. 293-305.

    40.   Fraser, B., Rintell, E. & Walters, J. 1980. An approach to conducting research on the acquisition of pragmatic competence in a second language. In D. Larsen-Freeman (ed.) Discourse Analysis in Second Language Research. Rowley, MA: Newbury House, pp. 75-91.

    41.   Walters, J. 1981. The approach of philosophers, linguists and psycholinguists to the study of context. In Sh. Blum-Kulka, Y. Tobin & R. Nir (eds.) Studies in Discourse Analysis. Jerusalem: Hebrew University (Hebrew), pp. 17-50.

    42.   Walters, J. & Wolf, Y. 1988. Integration of first language material in second language comprehension. In J. Fine (ed.), Second Language Discourse. Norwood, NJ: Ablex, pp.193-205.

    43.   Wolf, Y. & Walters, J. 1988. Second language comprehension processes: theories and methods. In J. Fine (ed.), Second Language Discourse. Norwood, NJ: Ablex, pp. 169-191.

    44.   Dittmar, N., Spolsky, B. & Walters, J. 1997. Grammaticalization and social convergence in second language acquisition. In R. Hickey & S. Puppel (eds.) Feschschrift for Jacek Fisiak. Berlin: deGruyter, pp. 1713-1732.

    45.   Dittmar, N., Spolsky, B. & Walters, J. 1998. Language and identity in immigrants language acquisition and use: A framework for integrating sociological, psychological and linguistic data. In V. Regan (ed.) Contemporary Approaches to Second Language Acquisition in Social Context. Dublin: University College Press, pp. 124-136.

    46.   Cooper, R.L., Shohamy, E. & Walters, J. (eds.) 2001. Spolsky’s educational linguistics. In R.L. Cooper, E. Shohamy, & J. Walters. (eds.) New Perspectives and Issues in  Educational Language Policy. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, pp. 1-4.

    47.   Walters, J. 2001. Socio-pragmatic processing in bilingual production and attrition. In J. Klatter-Folmer & P. Van Avermaet (eds.) Theories on maintenance and loss of minority languages. Towards a more integrated explanatory framework. Munster/New York: Waxmann Verlag, pp. 83-140.

    48.   Walters, J. 2005. Bilingualism as matchmaker: Towards a marriage of sociopragmatic and psycholinguistic research. In S. Marmaridou, K. Nikiforidou & E. Antonopoulou (eds.) Reviewing Linguistic Thought: Converging Trends for the 21st Century. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, pp. 327-346.

    49.   Roston, M & Walters, J. 2007. The English Department: Humanities and science under the same umbrella. In D, Schwartz (ed.) Bar-Ilan University: From Concept to Practice, Volume I. Ramat Gan: Bar-Ilan University Press, pp. 389-397 (Hebrew).

    50.   Walters, J. 2008. Sprache und Identität im mehrsprachigen Israel (Indigenous and immigrant Identities in multilingual Israel). In J. Limbach (ed.) Macht der Sprache: Munich: Goethe Institute.

    51.   Armon-Lotem, Sh., Danon, G. & Walters, J. 2008. The use of prepositions by bilingual SLI children: The relative contribution of representation and processing. In A. Gavarró & M. João Freitas (eds.) Proceedings of GALA 2007. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Press, pp. 41-46.

    52.   Armon-Lotem, Sh., Adam, G., & Walters, J. 2008. Verb inflections as indicators of bilingual SLI: Task effects and Cross-Linguistic Differences Proceedings of the Reading Child Language Seminar.

    53.   Burstein-Feldman, Z., Epstein, A., Kheimetz, N., Kopeliovitz, Sh., D. Yitzhaki & Walters, J. 2010. Israeli Sociolinguistics. In M. Ball & N. Muller (eds.) Handbook of Sociolinguistics. London: Routledge.

    54.   Armon-Lotem, S., & Walters, J. 2010. An approach to differentiating bilingualism and language impairment. In J. Guendouzi, F. Loncke & M. Williams (eds.) The Handbook of Psycholinguistic & Cognitive Processes: Perspectives in Communication Disorders. London: Routledge/Taylor & Francis.

    55.   Armon-Lotem, Sh., Gordishevsky, G. & J. Walters. 2010. Instructive bilingualism: Prepositions in the Hebrew of bilingual children with SLI. Language Acquisition and Development: Proceedings of GALA 2009, 1-12.

    56.   Neumann-Werth, Y., Altman, C. & J. Walters. 2010. Codeswitching and discourse markers in bilingual aphasia: Indication of impairment or fluency? Academy of Aphasia 2010. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences 6 (2010) 204–205.

    57.   Armon-Lotem, Sh., Adam, G., Blass, A., Fine, J., Harel, E., Saiegh-Haddad, E. & J. Walters. 2011. Verb inflections as indicators of Bilingual SLI: qualitative vs. quantitative measurements. In M. Leikin, Y. Tobin & M. Schwartz (eds.), Current Issues in Bilingualism: Cognitive and Socio-Linguistic Perspectives, (pp. 179-200). Berlin: Springer.

    58.   Altman, C., Gil, M. & Walters, J. 2012. Language Choice in Bilingual Aphasia: Memory and Emotions. In M. Gitterman, M. Goral & L.K. Obler (eds.), Aspects of Multilingual Aphasia (pp. 171-186). Clevedon, UK: Multilingual Matters.

    59.   Altman, C., Schrauf, R. & Walters, J. 2012. Crossovers and codeswitching in the investigation of immigrant autobiographical memory. In L. Isurin & J. Altarriba (eds.), Memory, language, and bilingualism: Theoretical and applied approaches.(pp. 211-235) Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

    60.   Gagarina, N., Klop, D., Kunnari, S., Tantele, K., Välimaa, T., Balčiūnienė, I., Bohnacker, U. & Walters, J. 2012. MAIN: Multilingual Assessment Instrument for Narratives. ZAS Papers in Linguistics, 1-135.

    61.   Abutbul-Oz, H., Armon-Lotem, S., & Walters, J. (2012). Bilingual Parents Questionnaire (BIPAQ). Ramat Gan: Bar-Ilan University.

    62.   Armon-Lotem, S., Altman, C. Burstein-Feldman, Zh., & J. Walters. 2013. Sociolinguistic aspects of the language of immigrant Hebrew-speaking children. In S. Bolozky, G. Khan, G. Rendsburg, A. Rubin, O. Schwarzwald & T. Zewi (eds.) Encyclopedia of Hebrew Language and Linguistics. Boston/Leiden: Brill.

    63.   Armon-Lotem, Sh., Joffe, S., Oz-Abutbul, H., Altman, C., Walters, J. (in press). Ethno-linguistic identity, language exposure and language acquisition in bilingual preschool children from English and Russian- speaking backgrounds. In Th. Gruter & J. Paradie (Eds.). Input and Experience in Bilingual Development. TILAR Series, John Benjamins.

    64.   Yitzhaki, D., Altman, C., Feldman-Burstein, Zh., Cohen, L. & Walters, J. (2013). Indigenous and immigrant identities in multilingual Israel: Insights from focus groups and discourse analysis. In I. Du Bois, & N. Baumgartner (eds.) Multilingual identities: New global perspectives on immigrant discourse. Frankfurt/New York: Peter Lang Publishing (pp. 137-172).

    65.   Walters, J., Armon-Lotem, S., Altman, C., Topaj, N. & Gagarina, N. 2014. Language Proficiency and Social Identity in Russian-Hebrew and Russian-German Preschool Children In R.K. Silbereisen, Y. Shavit & P.F. Titzmann (eds.) The Challenges of Diaspora Migration in Today’s Societies – Interdisciplinary Perspectives from Research in Israel and Germany (pp 45-62). London: Ashgate.

    66.   Gagarina, N. Armon-Lotem, S. Altman, C., Burstein-Feldman, Z., Klassert, A. Topaj, N., Golcher, F., & Walters, J. 2014. 4 Age, Input Quantity and their Effect on Linguistic Performance in the Home and Societal Language among Russian-German and Russian-Hebrew Preschool Children. In R.K. Silbereisen, Y. Shavit & P.F. Titzmann (eds.) The Challenges of Diaspora Migration in Today’s Societies – Interdisciplinary Perspectives from Research in Israel and Germany (pp 63-82). London: Ashgate.

    67.   Gagarina, N., Klop, D., Kunnari, S., Tantele, K., Välimaa, T., Balčiūnienė, I., Bohnacker, U. & Walters, J. 2015. Assessment of narrative abilities in bilingual children. In S. Armon-Lotem, J. de Jong & N. Meir (eds.) Methods for assessing multilingual children:  Disentangling bilingualism from language impairment. Bristol, UK: Multilingual Matters.



    Last Updated Date : 23/08/2022