Linguistics PhD: Requirements

The Linguistics PhD consists mostly of seminars, which can be chosen freely from the graduate seminars offered each year. The full requirements Linguistics PhD program are: 

  • Prerequisite courses (השלמות): decided upon by the PhD advisor based on the student's background
  • 6 seminars (8xx/9xx)
  • Attendance at Department colloquia (Tuesday 14-16)
  • Linguistics PhD dissertation (899)

Additional Requirements for the Linguistics PhD program are:

  • At least one seminar a year should be taken until completion of the Linguistics PhD degree, unless exempted by the supervisor.
  • A grade is required in two seminars; the rest can be PASS.
  • Attendance at Department colloquia is obligatory
  • All exceptions to the requirements are subject to written approval by the supervisor/coordinator/chair

If you have any questions related to the Linguistics PhD in Bar Ilan University, you may contact the English Literatue & Linguistics department office