Research in Literature

Literature Faculty - Research Interests

Dr. Ilana Blumberg
Nineteenth-century British literature, ethics and literature, material culture and economics, creative non-fictioncleardot.gif
Holocaust literature and film, epistemology in modern fiction and poetry, literary theory, trauma theory, memory and nostalgia in literature
Dr. Carra Glatt Victorian literature, narrative theory, African American literature
Prof. William Kolbrener: Seventeenth-century literature, history, theology; John Milton; Creative Non-Fiction; early modern feminism; Mary Astell; rabbinic epistemology and hermeneutics; psychoanalysis
Prof. Michael P. Kramer American literature, culture and intellectual history; Jewish American thought and writing; Jewish literature; ethnic studies; creative writing
Dr. Esther Schupak Shakespeare; pedagogy; rhetoric and composition, listening rhetoric; gender; performance studies; adolescent literature
Dr. Yael Shapira 18th-Century British literature, history and culture; feminism and gender; women’s writing; Gothic and horror writing; popular culture and its relation to the canon
Prof. Marcela Sulak Early twentieth century American literature and culture; poetry and poetics; immigration and migration; nationalism; modernism and gender.