English Literature - Double Major
Double Majors - General Information Double majors in English literature can choose between two tracks. Planned double majors - The planned double major is a structured program which combines studies in English and American literature with courses from another field and/or department. In this version of the major, the course requirements from the two areas of study have been coordinated in advance to prevent clashes. We currently offer planned double majors in literature and linguistics and literature and communications, as well as planned double majors in English literature and other relevant fields, including comparative literature and French literature and culture. Unplanned double major - Students doing an unplanned double major take some their courses with us, and the rest in another department of their choosing. |
English Literature Major -Planned- second major in linguistics
Credits required (details below):
Required first-year courses
Total: 20 credits Notes on first-year courses: 1. A grade of 65 is required to pass courses 190, 193 and 194. A grade of 67 is required to pass 106 and 107. Students who do not receive a passing grade in Academic Writing I (106) will not be allowed to continue to their second semester of studies in the program. Students who do not receive a passing grade in Academic Writing II (107) will not be allowed to continue to the second year. This applies to students who fail, as well as to those who leave the course without receiving a final grade. A student who does not receive a passing grade in 106 or 107 may repeat the course once. Under university regulations, students are not allowed to take the same course more than twice. Therefore, students who take 106 or 107 twice without receiving a passing grade will not be allowed to register again, and will therefore not be able to continue in the literature program. This applies to students who fail, as well as to those who leave the course without receiving a final grade. 2. Students who began their studies in 2018-19 or earlier and did six first-year courses (191 and 192 instead of 193) are exempt from one 6xx-level elective (see below). Required survey courses
Total: 16 Credits
Note: The passing grade in all surveys, electives and seminars is 60.
ElectivesStudents in the Planned Major track must take three courses in the 6xx range. These courses can be taken starting in the second year of studies. Total: 12 credits
1) The passing grade in all surveys, electives and seminars is 60.
2) Students who began their studies in 2018-19 or earlier and did six first-year courses (191 and 192 instead of 193) are exempt from one 6xx-level elective and need to take only two.
SeminarsStudents in the Planned Major track must take one seminar in the 4xx- and 7xx-level range. Seminars can only be taken in the student's third year. Total: 4 Credits
Note: The passing grade in all surveys, electives and seminars is 60.
English Literature Major -Planned- second major in communications
Credits required (details below):
Required first-year courses
Total: 20 credits Notes on first-year courses: 1. A grade of 65 is required to pass courses 190, 193 and 194. A grade of 67 is required to pass 106 and 107. Students who do not receive a passing grade in Academic Writing I (106) will not be allowed to continue to their second semester of studies in the program. Students who do not receive a passing grade in Academic Writing II (107) will not be allowed to continue to the second year. This applies to students who fail, as well as to those who leave the course without receiving a final grade. A student who does not receive a passing grade in 106 or 107 may repeat the course once. Under university regulations, students are not allowed to take the same course more than twice. Therefore, students who take 106 or 107 twice without receiving a passing grade will not be allowed to register again, and will therefore not be able to continue in the literature program. This applies to students who fail, as well as to those who leave the course without receiving a final grade. 2. Students who began their studies in 2018-19 or earlier and did six first-year courses (191 and 192 instead of 193) are exempt from one 6xx-level elective (see below).
Required survey courses - three of the following:
Total: 12 Credits
Note: The passing grade in all surveys, electives and seminars is 60.
ElectivesStudents in the planned double major with communications must take three courses in the 6xx range. These courses can be taken starting in the second year of studies. Total: 12 credits
1) The passing grade in all surveys, electives and seminars is 60.
2) Students who began their studies in 2018-19 or earlier and did six first-year courses (191 and 192 instead of 193) are exempt from one 6xx-level elective and need to take only two.
Seminars/additional electiveStudents in the planned track must take one seminar in the 4xx- and 7xx-level range, and one more course that is either a seminar or an elective (in the 4xx-, 6xx- or 7xx- level). Seminars can only be taken in the student's third year. Total: 8 Credits
Note: The passing grade in all surveys, electives and seminars is 60.
English Literature Major -Planned- second major in Comparative Literature or in French Literature and Culture
English Literature Major -Unplanned- second major in another department
Credits required (details below):
Required first-year courses
Total: 20 credits Notes on first-year courses: 1. A grade of 65 is required to pass courses 190, 193 and 194. A grade of 67 is required to pass 106 and 107. Students who do not receive a passing grade in Academic Writing I (106) will not be allowed to continue to their second semester of studies in the program. Students who do not receive a passing grade in Academic Writing II (107) will not be allowed to continue to the second year. This applies to students who fail, as well as to those who leave the course without receiving a final grade. A student who does not receive a passing grade in 106 or 107 may repeat the course once. Under university regulations, students are not allowed to take the same course more than twice. Therefore, students who take 106 or 107 twice without receiving a passing grade will not be allowed to register again, and will therefore not be able to continue in the literature program. This applies to students who fail, as well as to those who leave the course without receiving a final grade. 2. Students who began their studies in 2018-19 or earlier and did six first-year courses (191 and 192 instead of 193) are exempt from one 6xx-level elective (see below). Required survey courses
Total: 16 Credits
Note: The passing grade in all surveys, electives and seminar is 60.
ElectivesStudents in the Unplanned Major track must take three courses in the 6xx range. These courses can be taken starting in the second year of studies. Total: 12 credits
1) The passing grade in all surveys, electives and seminar is 60.
2) Students who began their studies in 2018-19 or earlier and did six first-year courses (191 and 192 instead of 193) are exempt from one 6xx-level elective and need to take only two.
SeminarsStudents in the Unplanned Double Major track must take two seminars in the 4xx- and 7xx-level range. Seminars can only be taken in the student's third year. Total: 8 Credits
Note: The passing grade in all surveys, electives and seminar is 60.