Linguistics MA: Track B (without thesis)

The Linguistics MA without a thesis (Track B) consists mostly of seminars, which can be chosen freely from the graduate seminars offered each year; and a small number of advanced BA elective courses.

The full requirements are:

  • Prerequisite courses (השלמות): up to 12 credits, decided upon by the MA Departmental Committee based on the student's background
  • 1 required theoretical course (584/587/589/591)
  • 2 MA elective courses (5xx) / Pro-seminars or Seminars (8xx/9xx)
  • 3 Seminars (8xx/9xx)
  • 4 Pro-seminars (8xx/9xx)
  • Linguistics Colloquium (8680)
  • Final oral exam (889)

Additional Requirements:

  • Attendance at Department colloquia is obligatory
  • Long papers must be submitted in 3 graduate seminars (long paper = 30 pp.; short paper = 7-8 pp.)
  • All exceptions to the requirements are subject to written approval by the advisor/coordinator/chair
  • Students who have not fulfilled all the departmental requirements (all final grades must be in the file) will not be permitted to take the final exam