Article: Teaching Life Writing in the BIU Classroom

Pedagogy journal cover

Professor Ilana Blumberg's article "Teaching Life Writing as Civic Education: The Case of Palestinian and Jewish Narratives in the Israeli Undergraduate Classroom" was recently published in the journal Pedagogy. In the article, Prof. Blumberg draws on her experiences of teaching life writing at Bar-Ilan. As she explains in the article abstract, "Focusing on a course taught to Palestinian and Jewish Israelis, this essay suggests that the study of life writing can help students develop a better informed civic identity, particularly in relation to divisive national matters. By carefully constructing collective classroom practices of reading, writing, discussing, and listening, the instructor can forge an environment that strengthens students’ capacity to appreciate the textual and contemporary interaction between individuals and their historical contexts, and to hear alternative perspectives and experiences attentively, without argument. University classrooms can thus play a vital role in democratic culture, as spaces in which a broader range of voices can be heard and in which minority voices are specially protected and projected."

Last Updated Date : 26/05/2022