Language and Memory Workshop

09/03/2017–06 - 20:00 - 09:30Add To Calendar 2017-03-06 09:30:00 2017-03-09 20:00:00 Language and Memory Workshop Research workshop of the Israel Science Foundation: "Procedural and declarative memory, language acquisition, and cognitive processes: Developmental trajectories and impairments in monolingual and bilingual children" March 6-9, 2017 Gonda Brain Research Center, building 901, room 101  Program (also available in a  more compact format) אוניברסיטת בר-אילן Asia/Jerusalem public

Research workshop of the Israel Science Foundation:

"Procedural and declarative memory, language acquisition, and cognitive processes: Developmental trajectories and impairments in monolingual and bilingual children"

March 6-9, 2017

Gonda Brain Research Center, building 901, room 101

 Program (also available in a  more compact format)

Last Updated Date : 01/03/2017