Linguistics Colloquium: Hedde Zeijlstra

30/04/2019 - 15:30 - 14:00Add To Calendar 2019-04-30 14:00:00 2019-04-30 15:30:00 Linguistics Colloquium: Hedde Zeijlstra Hedde Zeijlstra, Georg-August-University, Göttingen (Joint work with Sabine Iatridou) Title: The complex beauty of boundary adverbials: in years and until Abstract: In this talk we discuss two NPI adverbials: in years (and its cousins in days, in months, etc.) and until. We argue that a lot is to be gained by analyzing the two in juxtaposition. We explore in years first, following Iatridou & Zeijlstra (2017), who re-appreciate the notion of domain widening in studying NPI-hood, and on the basis of our analysis of this item, We proceed to an analysis of until. Our approach will also permit a unified account of until, the duality in the behavior of which has led the literature to consider it lexically ambiguous. The commonalities between in years and our unified until will in the end of the paper also lead us to a rationale for why both these boundary adverbials are strong as opposed to weak NPIs.   Place: Building 507 room 106 Subscribe to our Telegram channel to get notified about upcoming talks and events אוניברסיטת בר-אילן Asia/Jerusalem public

Hedde Zeijlstra, Georg-August-University, Göttingen (Joint work with Sabine Iatridou)

Title: The complex beauty of boundary adverbials: in years and until


In this talk we discuss two NPI adverbials: in years (and its cousins in days, in months, etc.) and until. We argue that a lot is to be gained by analyzing the two in juxtaposition.

We explore in years first, following Iatridou & Zeijlstra (2017), who re-appreciate the notion of domain widening in studying NPI-hood, and on the basis of our analysis of this item,

We proceed to an analysis of until. Our approach will also permit a unified account of until, the duality in the behavior of which has led the literature to consider it lexically ambiguous.

The commonalities between in years and our unified until will in the end of the paper also lead us to a rationale for why both these boundary adverbials are strong as opposed to weak NPIs.


Place: Building 507 room 106

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Last Updated Date : 07/04/2019