Dr. Noam Schiff

Bldg 404 rm 107
    Fields of Interest

    My research focuses on English and Irish modernism. I am additionally interested in medieval literature and religious iconology, and in the role that medieval texts play in the development of the modernist novel. My doctoral dissertation focuses on the role of hell within modern imagination, and I have ongoing projects on Dante and Modernism, and on Flann O’Brien and the Carnivalesque.



    Ph.D., 2020, Brandeis University

    M.A., 2014, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

    B.A. ,2011, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem


    Fellowships, Grants and Prizes

    2014-2020 Brandeis University PhD Fellowship

    2014-2015 Henry F. Fischbach Endowed Fellowship

    2014 – The Hebrew University’s English Department Dickens Prize

    2013 - Teddy Kollek grant

    2013 - Samuel Beckett Summer School travel grant, courtesy of the Irish Friends of

    the Hebrew University.

    2012-2014 Hebrew University English Department M.A. fellowship.

    2011 -  Theodore Harris Prize for Excellence in the Novel.



    “Devil in the Details: O’Brien, Minutia and Damnation”, Palimpsests: The V International Flann O’Brien Conference (University College Dublin, Ireland). June 2019.

    “Penelope, Shahrazad and Joyce’s later narrative art”, The Art of James Joyce: the XXVI International James Joyce Symposium (University of Antwerp, Belgium). June 2018.

    “A Crowning Martyr: Theatriatricality, Spectacle and the grotesque in A Martyrs Crown”, Acting Out: The IV International Flann O’Brien conference (Salzburg, Austria). July 2017.

    “’Again Death’ Netaim, Renaissance, Remorse and the productive Paradox of Bloom’s Zionism”, XXV International James Joyce Symposium (London, UK). June 2016.

    ““Finality Without End”- Time and Timelessness in Dante and Beckett”, The American Conference for Irish Studies (South Bend, Indiana). March 2016.

    ““The situation had become deploringly fluid”: Alcohol, Alchemy and O’Brien’s Metamorphoses”, Metamorphoses: The III International Flann O’Brien conference. (Prague, Czech Republic). July 2015.

    “Morality, Science and the Death Drive in Flann O’Brien’s The Third Policeman”, Problems with Authority: The II International Flann O’Brien conference (Rome, Italy). June 2013.


    Edited Volumes

    “A Crowning Martyr: Theatriatricality, the Grotesque and O’Nolan’s Carnivalesque” in Flann O’Brien: Acting Out, edited by Paul Fagan and Ruben Borg, Cork University Press. Forthcoming.


    ““The situation had become deploringly fluid”: Alcohol, Alchemy and O’Brien’s Metamorphoses.” Gallows Humor: Death, Metamorphosis and the Body Politic in Flann O’Brien, edited by Paul Fagan and Ruben Borg, forthcoming.


    Journal Articles

    Schiff, Noam. “Again-Death Netaim: The Productive Paradox of Blooms Zionism” submitted for review.

    Schiff, Noam. “Penelope, Shahrazad and Joyce’s narrative art” submitted for review.


    Last Updated Date : 14/01/2025