Linguistics (2023-24)

This page lists the linguistics courses offered during the 2023-2024 academic year. Further details can be found in the following file:

You may also search for course details on the university's course search page.

Course list

1st year BA courses

The following are first year introductory courses. For those courses that have a tutorial, you must register for both the lecture and the tutorial.

No. Course Title Teacher Prerequisites
184 Introduction to Linguistics (lecture) Dr. Natalia Meir  
184-2 Introduction to Linguistics (tutorial) Ms. Natalia Dvorina  
286 Phonetics and Phonology (lecture) Dr. Lior Laks 184
286-2 Phonetics and Phonology (tutorial) Ms. Anat Krasilschikov 184
287 Syntax (lecture) Dr. Gabi Danon  
287-2 Syntax (tutorial) Ms. Dana Plaut Forkosh  
289 Semantics (lecture) Dr. Keren Khrizman 184
289-2 Semantics (tutorial) Ms. Dana Plaut Forkosh 184

A typical first year program in linguistics in the 2023-24 academic year will thus consist of two courses each semester, each consisting of 6 hours a week, spread over 2 days a week (Tuesday and Thursday):

  • First semester -- 184 and 287
  • Second semester -- 286 and 289

See the full timetable (PDF file linked above) for further details.

2nd/3rd year BA courses

The following BA courses are usually taken during the 2nd or 3rd year, but interested students may also sometimes take these in the second semester of their first year after completing all the prerequisites. Depending on your track (expanded major, double major, etc), these are either required courses or electives; see the BA programs page for details about the different tracks.

No. Course Title Teacher Prerequisites Comments
503 Reading Theory and Practice Prof. Elinor Saiegh-Haddad 184, 287/987  
517 Research Methods (lecture) Dr. Natalia Meir 184, 287 + 289 (or 987) Required
517-2 Research Methods (tutorial) Ms. Muna Abd El Raziq 184, 287 + 289 (or 987) Required
522 Psycholinguistics (lecture) Prof. Elinor Saiegh-Haddad 184 Required
522-2 Psycholinguistics (tutorial) Ms. Karen Rose 184 Required
542 Bilingualism Prof. Sharon Armon-Lotem 184, 287/987  
543 Language and Gender Dr. Rose Stamp 287/987, 522/922  
551 Intonation and Meaning Dr. Masha Esipova 289/987  
584 Morphology Dr. Lior Laks 184, 286/987  
587 Advanced Syntax Dr. Gabi Danon 287/987  
589 Advanced Semantics Dr. Keren Khrizman 289/987  
591 Meaning and Use Dr. Masha Esipova 289/987  


Seminars usually involve reading and discussion of advanced research articles. At the end of the semester, students are required to write a paper on a topic of their choice. BA students usually take seminars during their 3rd year, but they can also take them on the 2nd semester of the 2nd year. For MA/PhD students, most of the program should consist of seminars.

No. Course Title Teacher Prerequisites Comments
9006 Research on Language Variation Dr. Rose Stamp 287/987, 522/922          
9015 Developmental and Environmental Variables in Bilingual Acquisition Prof. Sharon Armon-Lotem 287/289/987, 517/522/922          
9025 Not-at-issue Meaning Dr. Masha Esipova 289/987  
9050 Heritage Grammars Dr. Natalia Meir 184/987, 517+522/922          
9060 Nominal Syntax Dr. Gabi Danon 287/987 Hybrid (30-50% asynchronous; 50-70% in class)
9200 Multimodality Dr. Rose Stamp 184/517/522/922          
9401 Reading in Bilingual Children Prof. Elinor Saiegh-Haddad 522/922; not for students who took 401  
9980 Linguistic Borrowing: Morphological and Phonological Aspects Dr. Lior Laks 584/586          

Other MA/PhD Courses

Every MA/PhD student is required to register for Linguistics Colloquium (8680) for one year during his/her studies; for MA students, this should usually be their 2nd year. Students registered to this course must attend the colloquium lectures on Tuesday 14:00-15:30 regularly throughout the year; all other MA/PhD students (as well as interested BA students) are also encouraged to attend the colloquium, which provides you with a unique opportunity to hear about a variety of active research topics presented by guests from Israel and from abroad. The colloquium program is published during the semester.

Two courses, 922 and 987, are required for all new students in the Linguistics in Clinical Research (LCR) program. New students in the Linguistics (not LCR) program whose BA is not in linguistics are also usually required to take these courses, along with the 9001 and 5910 courses; as well as two additional courses from those listed above -- the exact set of required courses is determined individually for each student when they are accepted for the hashlamot year (usually these are the courses offered on Wednesday in the second semester: 584 and 9200).

No. Course Title Teacher Comments
8680 Linguistics Colloquium   Required
922 Psycholinguistics and Research Methods Prof. Sharon Armon-Lotem Required 1st year LCR
987 Introduction to Syntax and Semantics Dr. Gabi Danon Required 1st year LCR
9001 Statistics for Linguists Dr. Svetlana Fichman Required 1st year LCR
5910 Practice in Formal Linguistics 2 Dr. Keren Khrizman Required 1st year LCR